9. Solutions - Part 1 of 3
9. Solutions / Molarity / Problem 10
In a chemical laboratory, a task was assigned to analyze the molarity of picric acid (C6H3N3O7) solution, a Hager's reagent for detecting alkaloids. In an empty evaporating dish weighing 29.5 g, a 20.0 mL sample of C6H3N3O7 solution is placed. The total mass of the evaporating dish containing the C6H3N3O7 solution is 49.7 grams. The C6H3N3O7 solution placed in the evaporating dish is dried in an oven. After drying, a total mass of 29.7 grams is obtained for the evaporating dish and the anhydrous C6H3N3O7. Determine the molarity of the C6H3N3O7 solution.
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