RNA helicases are a class of proteins that bind mRNAs and influence their secondary structures and interactions with other proteins. RNA helicases have been implicated in many steps of RNA regulation such as splicing, decay, and translation. Why might these enzymes be so ubiquitously required for RNA regulation?
The localization and translational control of actin mRNA is important for the migration of fibroblasts and is regulated by the activity of the kinase Src (see Figure 18.10). Src is activated by phosphorylation when cell surface receptors bind to signaling molecules. How might this system lead to a cell migrating in a specific direction? How might the cell migrate away from repulsive signals?

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Key Concepts
Actin mRNA Localization
Src Kinase Activation
Directional Migration and Repulsive Signals
Marine stickleback fish have pelvic fins with long spines that provide protection from larger predatory fish. Some stickleback fish were trapped in lakes and have adapted to life in a different environment. Many lake populations of stickleback fish lack pelvic fins. Shapiro et al. (2004) (Nature 428:717.723) mapped the mutation associated with the loss of pelvic fins to the Pitx1 locus, a gene expressed in pelvic fins, the pituitary gland, and the jaw. However, the coding sequence of the Pitx1 gene is identical in marine and lake stickleback [Chan et al. (2010). Science 327:5963,302–305]. Moreover, when the Pitx1 coding region is deleted, the fish die with defects in the pituitary gland and the jaw, and they lack pelvic fins. Explain how a mutation near, but outside of, the coding region of Pitx1 may cause a loss of pelvic fins without pleiotropic effects on the pituitary gland and jaw.