Okay. So RNA interference is a way to regulate transcripts. The cell creates a lot of transcripts, but not all of them are wanted by the cell to produce proteins. So there are a few different ways that it can stop this, and one of them is through RNA interference. RNA interference is called that because it interferes with the transcript and because it is a type of post-transcriptional regulation occurring through RNA. Other than that, there's really no DNA involved here. It's all RNA that's being processed in a certain way, and then binding to transcripts to stop their production into proteins and to prevent any further processing of them.
Now, there are many types of RNA interference. The two main ones, which account for the overwhelming majority of RNA interference, are performed by what are called microRNAs or miRNAs and siRNAs. The 'si' in siRNAs stands for 'short interfering,' although that term is not commonly used, but the terms microRNAs and siRNAs are frequently mentioned. These RNAs are different and must go through different processing in order to be able to stop the translation of a transcript. You can tell them apart because microRNAs are single-stranded, while siRNAs are double-stranded, which is a significant difference. Another main difference is that microRNAs target a wide range of different transcripts; they are not specific to just one. When they are created, they can inhibit transcription of multiple different RNAs. On the other hand, siRNAs are specific; they are used to halt the creation or translation of one particular transcript.
MicroRNAs are produced from genes and are found in non-coding regions such as introns or upstream or downstream of the start codon, parts that would not typically be processed. These RNAs are transcribed, and then an enzyme is required to cut out the non-coding sections. Inside these sections, a microRNA may be included. This long piece of RNA, which contains the microRNA, is attacked by an enzyme called Dicer. Dicer cuts off all the excess nucleotides, reducing the structure to approximately 22 nucleotides in length, forming what is recognized as a microRNA. Before being cut, it is known as pre-microRNA, and after being cut, it is simply called microRNA.
This 22-nucleotide long microRNA interacts with another enzyme called RISC. Once bound to RISC, the complex can bind to the transcript it will inhibit. The purpose here is to find various different transcripts, bind to them, and mark them for destruction. The microRNA, with its nucleotides complementary to those of the RNA transcripts, joins RISC in identifying and binding to these complementary transcripts, thereby marking them for destruction.
SIRNAs are initially double-stranded RNAs that often start out looking like a hairpin loop, as RNA can form secondary structures. These are also processed by Dicer, which identifies and cleaves the pre-siRNA, forming the siRNA. Here, RISC plays a different role compared to its interaction with microRNAs. It converts the double-stranded siRNA into a single-stranded form by digesting one of the strands. The remaining strand, known as the guide strand, and RISC then find an RNA with a complementary sequence to bind to and mark it for destruction. Once bound, this transcript will not be translated.
So, that is how RNA interference works. With that explanation, let's move on.