Alright. So, now that we've calculated the Chi Square value, we know it's 0.191, and we have our degrees of freedom, which we know is a single one, so that's 1. It's saying the next step is to determine the range of p values. So what are our p values for this experiment?
Now in order to do this, you're going to have to have a Chi Squared distribution table. You'll feel free to use the one in the handout, which you probably already have, up. If you don't, go ahead, take your phone, computer, or whatever, open a new tab, just Google "Chi Square Distribution Table". There are a ton of them, wherever they are.
Now, to read this table, the first thing you do is you look at your Degrees of Freedom. There should be a line called "degrees of freedom", and everything down here is going to be listed with different numbers. The one you're interested in is this line here, because it's the degrees of freedom of 1. Now, above here, you're going to have a bunch of different numbers. And what you're looking for is the numbers through which 0.191 sits in the middle.
So, eventually, you're going to get to a table. And now it may not be perfect. If you're using the table from a handout, it'll have the exact numbers. If you're using a table from Google, there might be different numbers, but essentially it's going to be the same thing. And the problem, it won't mess up, no matter what chi square distribution table you use, it's not going to mess up how you solve a Chi Square problem.
So if you're using the table that I provided, we're going to match perfectly. If you're not, it's okay. You're still going to be correct, but the numbers might not match perfectly, but they'll be close enough. So, on the table and the PDF that I provided, you're going to come across numbers 0.15, and I believe 0.46. And if we were to put 0.191, it would fit right in between these numbers. And this is fantastic.
So what you do now, now that you have these two, you kind of circle them if you want. And you go all the way to the bottom, where the p-value sits. And here, what it's going to say is it's going to give you a bunch of different numbers, but you're interested in the one that's lined up in the same column as these two numbers, and that's going to be approximately 0.70 to 0.50. So the answer to this question is a.
Now remember, if you're not using the same table as me, it may not be exactly this. It may be 0.75 to 0.55 or maybe slightly off. But essentially, pick the closest one, which for this problem is going to be 0.70 and 0.50.
Now when you're doing this in a classroom setting or on a quiz or a test, they are going to provide you with the exact same table as everyone else, so there won't be these weird confusions. But for this, I want to give you a chance to practice looking at different chi square distribution tables, so you can figure out how to look at ones differently. But for this question, the answer is 0.70 to 0.50. So let's figure out what that means in the next question.