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Ch.9 - Chemical Bonding I: The Lewis Model

Chapter 9, Problem 53d

Write the Lewis structure for each molecule. d. CH3SH (C and S central)

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Hey everyone, we're being asked to draw the Lewis structure of the following compound and were told that our skeletal structure will look like this. So our skeletal structure is basically telling us how our atoms are going to be connected. So based on this, we know that our carbon and our phosphorus are going to be connected And we're going to have three hydrogen connected to our carbon. And looking at our phosphorus, we also have two Hydrogen surrounding it. Now counting our valence electrons per atom are hydrogen are going to be good since they all have one valence electron for our carbon. We have 123 and four, which is good since carbon is in our group. For a. Now for phosphorus phosphorus is in our group five a. So we should get five. So phosphorus has 123. Now in order to get our five failed electrons will need to add a lone pair around our phosphorus. So I hope this made sense. And let us know if you have any questions