Textbook Question
Rolls of aluminum foil are 304 mm wide and 0.016 mm thick. What maximum length of aluminum foil can be made from 1.10 kg of aluminum?
Rolls of aluminum foil are 304 mm wide and 0.016 mm thick. What maximum length of aluminum foil can be made from 1.10 kg of aluminum?
Mercury is often used in thermometers. The mercury sits in a bulb on the bottom of the thermometer and rises up a thin capillary as the temperature rises. Suppose a mercury thermometer contains 3.380 g of mercury and has a capillary that is 0.200 mm in diameter. How far does the mercury rise in the capillary when the temperature changes from 0.0 °C to 25.0 °C? The density of mercury at these temperatures is 13.596 g/cm3 and 13.534 g/cm3, respectively