What are the main differences between an LED and a photovoltaic cell?
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
LED (Light Emitting Diode)
Photovoltaic Cell
Energy Conversion Mechanisms
Write a balanced equation for the synthesis of the 2–6 semiconductor ZnTe by chemical vapor deposition from dimethylzinc, Zn(CH3)2, and diethyltellurium, Te(CH2CH3)2, assuming that the other product is gaseous propane (CH3CH2CH3).
A photovoltaic cell contains a p–n junction that converts solar light to electricity. (a) Silicon semiconductors with a band-gap energy of 107 kJ/mol are commonly used to make photovoltaic cells. Calculate the wavelength that corresponds to the band-gap energy in silicon.
A photovoltaic cell contains a p–n junction that that converts solar light to electricity. An optimum semiconductor would have its band-gap energy matched to the wavelength of maximum solar intensity at the Earth's surface. (a) What is the color and approximate wavelength of maximum solar intensity at the Earth's surface? Refer to the figure for Problem 12.102.