Administration of digitalis, a drug used to control atrial fibrilla-tion in heart patients, must be carefully controlled because even a modest overdose can be fatal. To take differences between patients into account, drug dosages are prescribed in terms of mg/kg body weight. Thus, a child and an adult differ greatly in weight, but both receive the same dosage per kilogram of body weight. At a dosage of 20 mg/kg body weight, how many mil-ligrams of digitalis should a 160 lb patient receive?

Verified Solution

Key Concepts
Dosage Calculation
Unit Conversion
Concentrations of substances dissolved in solution are often expressed as mass per unit volume. For example, normal human blood has a cholesterol concentration of about 200 mg/100 mL. Express this concentration in the following units. (a) mg/L
Concentrations of substances dissolved in solution are often expressed as mass per unit volume. For example, normal human blood has a cholesterol concentration of about 200 mg/100 mL. Express this concentration in the following units. (e) How much total blood cholesterol in grams does a per-son have if the normal blood volume in the body is 5 L?
Which is larger in each pair, and by approximately how much? (a) A liter or a quart
Which is larger in each pair, and by approximately how much? (b) A mile or a kilometer