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Ch.9 - Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories

Chapter 9, Problem 53

Shown here are three pairs of hybrid orbitals, with each set at a characteristic angle. For each pair, determine the type of hybridization, if any, that could lead to hybrid orbitals at the specified angle. (a)



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Hello everyone today. We have the following problem. four pairs of hybrid orbiters are shown below, with the bond angles indicated, determine the type of hybridization for each pair. So for this first pair here for 45°, there are actually no hybridization is for this angle And the same can be said for 80° bond angles. However, when we get to 120 angles, we get the hybridization of sp two. We have one S orbital and two P orbital that have hybridized together to form this bond angle. And with a 180 degree bond angle, we have a hybridization of sP that is one S orbital and one P orbital that has hybridized to form its 180 bond line angle. So with that we have our final answers. I hope this helped, and until next time.