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Ch.6 - Electronic Structure of Atoms

Chapter 6, Problem 15b

Label each of the following statements as true or false. b. Ultraviolet light has longer wavelengths than visible light.

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Hi everyone today. We have a question telling us that the U. V. Lies on the left of the electromagnetic spectrum while in fried lies on the right, which statement is true? So first we're gonna make a little chart here. We're gonna have UV on the left and in between UV and infrared we have the visible light spectrum and then we have infrared. So anything to the left of the visible light spectrum is going to have a high energy, a short wavelength and a high frequency while anything to the right is going to have a low energy, a long wavelength and a short frequency. So let's look at our statements here. One the wavelength of infrared light is lower than UV light. That is not true. We have to the frequency of i if infrared light is lower than UV light that is true. We have three. The energy of infrared light is lower than UV light. That is true. And lastly we have the energy of infrared light and UV light are the same. That is untrue. So our final answer here is going to be C2 and three are correct. Thank you for watching. Bye.