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Ch.3 - Chemical Reactions and Reaction Stoichiometry

Chapter 3, Problem 5a

Glycine, an amino acid used by organisms to make proteins, is represented by the following molecular model. (a) Write its molecular formula.

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Hi everyone here we have a question telling us method bonin is a unique sulfur containing amino acid that can be used to build proteins and produce molecules in the body. Given the three D. Model below identify its molecular formula and we have a legend that tells us hydrogen is white, sulfur is yellow, oxygen is red nitrogen is blue and carbon is gray. So first let's count our carbon. We have 1, 2, 3, 45. Next let's count our hydrogen which is white. We have 123456789, 10 and 11. And now our nitrogen, which is blue. We have one and our oxygen which is red. We have one too. And lastly our sulfur which is yellow, we have one. So our molecular formula is c. five H. 11 in S. And that is our final answer. Thank you for watching. Bye.