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Ch.10 - Gases

Chapter 10, Problem 10c

Consider the following samples of gases:

If the three samples are all at the same temperature, rank them with respect to (c) density

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Hi everyone for this problem. It reads arrange the following gas samples with respect to density when they all have the same temperature. Okay, so let's define density, density is equal to the total mass of gas per unit volume. Okay, so that's mass over volume. And we're going to need the molar mass of both of our gasses to solve this problem. So let's go ahead and just make a note of that here. The molar mass of oxygen gas is 32 and the molar mass of Neon gas is 20. And we find that using the periodic table. So with this information we can use molar mass as the relative mass of the particles. So for a we have three Molecules of neon with a molar mass of 20 and we have three molecules of oxygen gas with a molar mass of 32. So that means the molar mass as the relative mass of the particles for A is equal to 156. So let's do the same thing for B and C. For B. We have six times Plus two times 32, which gives us the relative mass of the particles equal to 184. And for see we have two times 20-plus 5 times 32 gives a relative mass of 200 for the particles in C. Alright, so assuming that the container of gas samples have the same volume, this is going to equal density for each. Okay, so this value is also the density. So now what we can do is it tells us to arrange the gas samples with respect to density so we have as our final answer, A is less than B, which is less than C. Okay, so that is it for this problem. I hope this was helpful.