Consider the apparatus shown in the following drawing. (a) When the valve between the two containers is opened and the gases are allowed to mix, what is the partial pressure of N2 after mixing?
(c) Calculate the most probable speeds of Cl2 molecules at 300 K.
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Kinetic Molecular Theory
Most Probable Speed
Molar Mass and Gas Constant
(a) What are the mole fractions of H2 in a mixture of 15.08 g of O2, 8.17 g of N2, and 2.64 g of H2?
(c) Calculate the most probable speeds of CO molecules at 300 K.
At an underwater depth of 250 ft, the pressure is 8.38 atm. What should the mole percent of oxygen be in the diving gas for the partial pressure of oxygen in the mixture to be 0.21 atm, the same as in air at 1 atm?
You have a sample of gas in a container with a movable piston, such as the one in the drawing. b. Redraw the container to show what it might look like if the external pressure on the piston is increased from 1.0 atm to 2.0 atm while the temperature is kept constant.
Consider the sample of gas depicted here. What would the drawing look like if the volume and temperature remained constant while you removed enough of the gas to decrease the pressure by a factor of 2? (a) It would contain the same number of molecules. (b) It would contain half as many molecules. (c) It would contain twice as many molecules. (d) There is insufficient data to say.