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Ch.21 - Nuclear Chemistry

Chapter 21, Problem 6d

The accompanying graph illustrates the decay of 8842Mo, which decays via positron emission. (d) What is the product of the decay process? [Section 21.4]

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Hello. Everyone in this video. The following graph right over here shows the decay of this by positron emission. In this question, we're being told to identify the nuclear I'd produced in this radioactive decay. So for a positron, we have zero plus one and E. And what does zero represents here? This is going to be where the mass number goes. This right here on the bottom is our atomic number. And for the product. So this is positron. And then for the product it can be represented as a Z. And X. So this A here is going to be the mass number for atomic number. That's going to be easy. And X is going to be the element symbol. So for my reaction we have course the 86 R. N. That goes to a Z. X. And zero plus one and E. So for the mass number of reactions this equals to the mass number of products. So we have let's do this in a different color. So 211 equals two A plus zero. Which then just means that A. Is equal to +211. And for the atomic number of reactors this equals the atomic number of products. So for this we have again, different color. Let's see we have 86 equaling two Z plus one. So we just subtract one to isolate the Z. So 86 minus one equals to Z. Of course that is just 85. So again the atomic number being at 85 here, we spoke at the period table. And this gives us um a team. Let's spread this in right at the bottom. So we see atomic number of Z Is equal to 85 and this is going to be 80. Alright, so then our students in different color, the new Clyde that is being produced is going to be then 85. A. T. Again, right over here, this is going to be our mass number 85 is our atomic number and element symbol of A. T. So my final answer is going to be this right over here.