A voltaic cell utilizes the following reaction: 2 Fe3+1aq2 + H21g2 ¡ 2 Fe2+1aq2 + 2 H+1aq2 (a) What is the emf of this cell under standard conditions?
During a period of discharge of a lead–acid battery, 402 g of Pb from the anode is converted into PbSO41s2. (a) What mass of PbO21s2 is reduced at the cathode during this same period?
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Redox Reactions
Molar Mass
A voltaic cell utilizes the following reaction: (b) What is the emf for this cell when 3Fe3+4 = 3.50 M, PH2= 0.95 atm, 3Fe2+4 = 0.0010 M, and the pH in both half-cells is 4.00?
A voltaic cell is constructed that is based on the following reaction: Sn2+1aq2 + Pb1s2 ¡ Sn1s2 + Pb2+1aq2 (a) If the concentration of Sn2+ in the cathode half-cell is 1.00 M and the cell generates an emf of +0.22 V, what is the concentration of Pb2+ in the anode half-cell?
During the discharge of an alkaline battery, 4.50 g of Zn is consumed at the anode of the battery. (b) How many coulombs of electrical charge are transferred from Zn to MnO2?
Heart pacemakers are often powered by lithium–silver chromate 'button' batteries. The overall cell reaction is 2 Li1s2 + Ag2CrO41s2 ¡ Li2CrO41s2 + 2 Ag1s2 (a) Lithium metal is the reactant at one of the electrodes of the battery. Is it the anode or the cathode?
Heart pacemakers are often powered by lithium–silver chromate 'button' batteries. The overall cell reaction is 2 Li1s2 + Ag2CrO41s2 ¡ Li2CrO41s2 + 2 Ag1s2 (b) Choose the two half-reactions from Appendix E that most closely approximate the reactions that occur in the battery. What standard emf would be generated by a voltaic cell based on these half-reactions?