The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of molecular iodine, I2(π) β 2 I(π), at 800 K is πΎπ = 3.1Γ10β5. (b) Assuming both forward and reverse reactions are elementary reactions, which reaction has the larger rate constant, the forward or the reverse reaction?

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Key Concepts
Equilibrium Constant (Kc)
Rate Constants and Reaction Rates
Elementary Reactions
The diagram shown here represents the equilibrium state for the reaction A2(π) + 2B(π) β 2AB(π). (a) Assuming the volume is 2 L, calculate the equilibrium constant πΎπ for the reaction.
Suppose that the gas-phase reactions A β B and B β A are both elementary reactions with rate constants of 4.7Γ10β3β sβ1 and 5.8Γ10β1 sβ1, respectively. (b) Which is greater at equilibrium, the partial pressure of A or the partial pressure of B?
Write the expression for πΎπ for the following reactions. In each case indicate whether the reaction is homogeneous or heterogeneous.
(e) 2Ag(π ) + Zn2+(ππ) β 2 Ag+(ππ) + Zn(π )
Write the expressions for πΎπ for the following reactions. In each case indicate whether the reaction is homogeneous or heterogeneous.
(b) Ti(π ) + 2Cl2(π) β TiCl4(π)
Write the expressions for πΎπ for the following reactions. In each case indicate whether the reaction is homogeneous or heterogeneous. (g) 2 C8H18(π) + 25 O2(π) β 16 CO2(π) + 18 H2O(π)