Intensive vs. Extensive Properties definitions Flashcards
Intensive vs. Extensive Properties definitions
Intensive vs. Extensive Properties
1. Intro to General Chemistry
4 problems
1. Intro to General Chemistry
5 problems
1. Intro to General Chemistry - Part 1 of 3
7 topics 12 problems
1. Intro to General Chemistry - Part 2 of 3
5 topics 11 problems
1. Intro to General Chemistry - Part 3 of 3
5 topics 11 problems
Terms in this set (13)
- Intensive propertiesPhysical characteristics of a substance that do not change with the amount present, such as color and density.
- Extensive propertiesPhysical characteristics that vary with the amount of substance, like mass and volume.
- DensityA measure of mass per unit volume, remaining constant regardless of the amount of substance.
- Boiling pointThe temperature at which a liquid turns to vapor, unaffected by the quantity of the liquid.
- Melting pointThe temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid, independent of the amount of the substance.
- Freezing pointThe temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid, not influenced by the volume of the liquid.
- TemperatureA measure of thermal energy that remains constant for a substance regardless of its quantity.
- MassThe amount of matter in an object, which changes with the quantity of the substance.
- VolumeThe amount of space occupied by a substance, varying with the amount present.
- LengthA measure of distance, which changes based on the amount of material.
- EnergyThe capacity to do work, dependent on the amount of substance, including forms like thermal and nuclear.
- ColorA visual attribute of a substance that remains unchanged regardless of the amount present.
- HardnessA measure of a material's resistance to deformation, constant regardless of the quantity.