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The Colligative Properties
14. Solutions / The Colligative Properties / Problem 6

We are given the following values:

Mass Citric Acid (C6H8O7) (g) = 1.708 g

Mass Acetic acid = 10.34 g

Freezing point of pure acetic acid = 16.6°C

Freezing point of citric acid-acetic acid  mixture = 13.4 °C

Freezing point constant of acetic acid  = 3.9 °C/m

a. Determine the molality in mol/kg of the mixture using the freezing point depression formula

b. Determine the moles of solute present in the mixture using the values of the molality calculated in part a and mass of solvent

c. Determine the experimental molecular weight of the solute in g/mol

d. Determine the theoretical molecular weight of the solute in g/mol

e. Determine the percent error between the theoretical and experimental molecular weight of the solute

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