Now when it comes to polyportic buffers, we typically are dealing with Tri protic species. Because of this, we're going to say it deals with the presence of three equivalence points and Henderson Hasselbeck equations as a result of three KA values. Here we're going to say the relationship between the equivalence points and Henderson Hasselbeck equations are shown as.
So first we're going to talk about the dissociation steps here. H3A is the generic form of a triprotic acid. So here it has all of its H+ ions in its possession. So this is the acidic form. So now here we're talking about giving away the first H, so that B KA1. Doing that gives us H2A-. This would represent our intermediate form 1 that can continue to donate in H or donates a second H+ so that B KA2. That gives us HA2-, which is our intermediate form, 2. This one has an H+, so it too can donate an H, which will deal with KA3. Doing that gives us A3-, which is the basic form.
Now we could also go the opposite way, where the basic form gained its first H+ to create the intermediate form 2. Gaining your first H is KB1. The intermediate form 2 can gain another H+, so that would be KB2 to give us intermediate form one. And then finally the intermediate form one can gain that last H+ it needs to recreate the acidic form. So that'd be KB3. We'd see here that these two are grouped together, these two are grouped together, these two are grouped together, so that segues into our KAKB equations.
Here we'd say KA1 times KB3 equals KW, KA2 times KB2 equals KW, and KA3 times KB1 equals KW. From there, we could talk about the different types of Henderson Hasselbeck equation. So the first one deals with the acidic form and the intermediate form 1. We're talking about the first KA here. So this would be pKA1 plus. Now all of these are based on this simpler idea of Henderson Hasselbeck equation is pH equals pKA plus log of base over acid. The base is the one with one less hydrogen. The acid is the one that has one extra hydrogen.
So here it D be plus log of base over assets, so that would be H2A- over H3A. The next one deals with the two intermediate forms, so they're connected by KA2. So this would be pKA2 plus log of base over assets. So that would be HA2-, / H2A-. And then finally here intermediate form 2 and basic form give us the last Henderson Hasselbeck equation. We're dealing with KA3 in this regard. So this would be pH equals pKA3 plus A3-, / HA2-. So these would be the three Henderson Hasselbeck equation associated with a typical tripodic buffer.