Chapter 21, Problem 69b
A laboratory rat is exposed to an alpha-radiation source whose activity is 14.3 mCi. (b) The rat has a mass of 385 g and is exposed to the radiation for 14.0 s, absorbing 35% of the emitted alpha particles, each having an energy of 9.12 * 10-13 J. Calculate the absorbed dose in millirads and grays.
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The spent fuel elements from a fission reactor are much more intensely radioactive than the original fuel elements. (b) Given that only two or three neutrons are released per fission event and knowing that the nucleus undergoing fission has a neutron-to-proton ratio characteristic of a heavy nucleus, what sorts of decay would you expect to be dominant among the fission products?
Which are classified as ionizing radiation: X rays, alpha particles, microwaves from a cell phone, and gamma rays?
A laboratory rat is exposed to an alpha-radiation source whose activity is 14.3 mCi. (a) What is the activity of the radiation in disintegrations per second? In becquerels?
The table to the right gives the number of protons (p) and neutrons (n) for four isotopes. (a) Write the symbol for each of the isotopes.
Radon-222 decays to a stable nucleus by a series of three alpha emissions and two beta emissions. What is the stable nucleus that is formed?
Chlorine has two stable nuclides, 35Cl and 37Cl. In contrast, 36Cl is a radioactive nuclide that decays by beta emission. (a) What is the product of decay of 36Cl?