Deuterium oxide 1D2O, where D is deuterium, the hydrogen-2 isotope) has an ion-product constant, Kw, of 8.9 * 10-16 at 20 °C. Calculate 3D+4 and 3OD-4 for pure (neutral) D2O at this temperature.
The indicator methyl orange has been added to both of the following solutions. Based on the colors, classify each statement as true or false: (a) The pH of solution A is definitely less than 7.00.
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
pH Scale
Acid-Base Indicators
Color Change Interpretation
At 50 °C, the ion-product constant for H2O has the value Kw = 5.48 * 10-14. (a) What is the pH of pure water at 50 °C? (b) Based on the change in Kw with temperature, predict whether ΔH is positive, negative, or zero for the autoionization reaction of water: 2 H2O1l2 Δ H3O+1aq2 + OH-1aq2
The probe of the pH meter shown here is sitting in a beaker that contains a clear liquid. You are told the liquid is pure water, a solution of HCl(aq), or a solution of KOH(aq). (b) If the liquid is one of the solutions, what is its molarity?
The probe of the pH meter shown here is sitting in a beaker that contains a clear liquid. (c) Why is the temperature given on the pH meter?
The following diagrams represent aqueous solutions of three acids, HX, HY, and HZ. The water molecules have been omitted for clarity, and the hydrated proton is represented as H+ rather than H3O+. (a) Which of the acids is a strong acid? Explain.