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Ch.18 - Thermodynamics: Entropy, Free Energy & Equilibrium

Chapter 18, Problem 16

Consider the following graph of total free energy of reactants and products versus reaction progress for the general reaction, Reactants -> Products. At which of the four points (labeled a, b, c, and d) is Q < K?

(a) Point a (b) Point c and d (c) Point a, c, and d (d) Point b

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Hello. Everyone in this video, we asked to determine at which points labeled A through E. And the graph of the total free energy of reactant and products versus the reaction progress is when our Q. Is bigger than our K constant. So the graph here shown in this case with this graph here shows an overall delta G is less than zero. So this main part here of the graph and this indicates an overall spontaneous reaction. Again, our adult G here is less than zero and here the formation of products from reacting is favored. So the lowest points of point D. Here, we can obviously see that this slows in the graph is where the reaction is at equilibrium, where our Q equals to cape. Actually write this out as well. So Q is equal to K. And R. Delta G is equal to zero. So over to the left of the equilibrium point where it points A B and C. Lie the queue. So the reaction quotient is less than Q. And our delta G is less than zero, which makes this spontaneous here and over to the right of the graph where eve lies, the Q. Is greater than kate, Q. Is greater than K. Is also when our delta G is greater than zero. So a positive value, meaning this reaction on the right side here is non spontaneous. So notice that when you move are located from a certain point X to the equilibrium point. The lowest point in the graph and the slope for slant of the line or curve is decreasing from left to right. This case is always where our Q is less than K and the delta G is less than zero. And meanwhile, when you move or locate from the equilibrium points to a certain point, X and a slope or slant of the line or curve is increasing from left to right. The case is always going to be where our reaction quotient. So Q is greater than K, R. Delta G is greater than zero. So my final answer here, it's going to be a point mm and this right here is going to be my final answer for this problem.