Now, metallic character has to do with how easily an element can lose an electron. The easier it is for an element to lose an electron, the greater its metallic character. Now remember, metals tend to lose electrons, Nonmetals tend to gain electrons.
When it comes to the major table, major periodic table classifications, we have our metals, our metalloids and our nonmetals. And we're going to say the periodic trend here is metallic character is going to decrease as we move from left to right across a period. So as we're going this way and as we go up a group, this makes sense because where are the metals on the periodic table? They're all clustered more to the left and the bottom.
As we're heading towards the top right corner, we're moving away from the metals. So our metallic character is supposed to decrease. So just remember this is one of the simplest periodic trends to understand metallic character. The closer you are to the metals, the more metallic character you have. The further away you are from the metals, the less metallic character you're going to have.