So up until now, when we've calculated variables like the mean and standard deviation, all of that has been done by hand. While that's perfectly fine for smaller samples of, let's say, five or six numbers, and you need to know how to do that by hand, a lot of problems in this course will involve larger datasets of, let's say, 20 or 30 numbers. Doing this by hand can get extremely time-consuming. I want to show you how we can use technology to make this a little bit easier. I'm going to show you how to get what's called a five-number summary on a TI-84 graphing calculator.
This five-number summary is going to have five important numbers that will help you answer all the questions about the variables and the distribution in the datasets. So again, if you have a TI-84 calculator, have it out because you're going to follow along with me. I'm going to have a list of steps for you to refer back to later, but the most important thing is that you're following along with me. So let's get started here.
We're going to jump right into our problem. We have the ages of students in a college statistics class that are listed in this table. We're going to use a calculator to find our mean, median, standard deviation, and first and third quartiles. That's five numbers, and that's going to be five numbers with their symbols right over here.
The first thing you're going to have to do here is get all your numbers into the calculator, as we've actually seen how to do this before. We've got our calculators. I'm going to hit the stat button, and I'm going to go to the edit page. The edit page will bring up a table like this where I'm going to input some numbers. Now if you already have numbers in here, I'm going to show you where you can clear that out really quickly. Hit the stat button again, go to clear list, and then type in that list that contains that list.
Hit the done key, and then go back, and you should see that the page is blank now. You can just put in all those numbers. So now we're just going to go ahead and plug all these numbers in one by one, down the list. So I've got 20, then I've got eighteen, twenty-one, twenty-two, 20, nineteen, thirty-one, twenty-one, twenty-four, twenty-two, 19, twenty-three, 18, twenty-one, twenty-one, twenty-two, 20, 19, twenty-seven, and 20. If you've done this right, you should see list one with a 21 there. That means you've entered 20 numbers, and that's the first step.
Now the second step is we're going to take that list, and you can go back, and just hit the second quit button to sort of get out of that screen. We're going to go to stats and then you're going to go over here to the right, which is basically going to highlight the little calculator section. You're going to go to one-variable stats, which should be the very first entry. So one var stats.
Okay? So we're going to hit that button over here. It's going to ask you for which list do you want, and you're just going to plug in list one. You're just going to hit equals. You don't have to put anything for the frequency list, and then just hit calculate.
Now what it spits out over you with what it spits out on the screen is basically everything you need here. Now it's going to spit out a lot of information, some of which you don't need. But basically, this first window over here will show you a lot of the stuff that's calculating either the mean or the standard deviation.
So what's \( \bar{x} \)? It's actually the very, very first number on the screen, that 21.4. So that's 21.4. That is the mean of the sample. What about the standard deviation? Well, basically, what happens here is that your calculator doesn't know if the data is from a sample or a population. So it's going to display some extra info. There are two numbers over here that you need to look at.
One is s_x, and the other one is \(\sigma_x \). Remember, one's a sample, one's a population. So basically, what you can always assume here is that if you're looking at a sample, you're going to be looking at that \(s_x \). So the standard deviation in this dataset is going to be 3.1, and I'm just going to keep it rounded to the nearest tenths place.
It tells us the number of data points, which is 20. If we keep scrolling down over here, it'll give us some information about the distribution of values, the minimum, the maximum, the quartiles, and the medians. And that's what we need for the next couple of numbers. So it gives us the minimum and maximum values. We don't need that stuff. We need the first and third quartiles. The first quartile is basically the cutoff where 25% of the data values are below that.
This is 19.5, like this. Then the third quartile, which is where 75% of the data values are below that. So in other words, this is 22. And then the median over here gives us 21. So that's your five-number summary for TI-84. Again, if you were asked about the mean or the standard deviation or the variance, you'd be able to answer all of that with the information that you have listed here.
So that is the second and third steps. You're just going to go to one var stats, plug in that list, and you're just going to hit the calculator, and it's going to show you everything. Alright? So that's it for this one, folks. Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll see you in the next one.