So for this video, I want you to imagine that I gave you this problem, where I asked you to find one plus two plus three plus four. Now I'm sure most of you could probably solve this, especially in your heads, when doing these types of problems, because it's pretty straightforward. But what if I kept on adding numbers, plus five, plus six, plus seven, all the way up to a hundred? Well, doing this in our heads would be a lot more difficult, and trying to write out all these numbers would be a complete pain. But in this video, what I'm going to show you is there's a way that we can actually write this in a more simple and compact way.
And it turns out that doing this is going to be very helpful when it comes to approximating the area under curves with rectangles, like we've talked about in recent videos. So let's just go ahead and get right into things. Now the notation we're going to learn about is called sigma notation. And as I mentioned, it's a way that when you have the sum of many terms, you can write them in a more compact way. And doing sigma notation looks something like this.
Now what you see below here, this kind of squiggly line here, this is the Sigma notation. And this means that you're adding up a bunch of individual pieces. Now what we do with Sigma notation is we start on the bottom here with this number. This number is what we call the index of summation. So that just tells us where we start when it comes to our summation.
Now what we're going to do is finish up here. This is where the index ends. And to do this, well, that just means we're going to take whatever our value is that we start with and go to where we end. So the index starts right here and finishes up there where we see on top. And what each of these terms are is the equation that you're plugging things into.
So you're going to take whatever this value is, and you're going to plug it into whatever equation or function this represents, And then you're going to keep putting discrete values in for each value until you get all the way up to this value here. So that's the idea of sigma notation, and I think it's going to help if we look at an example to see what this is all about. So let's try the example down here, which asks us to evaluate the following finite sums. Now to evaluate a finite sum, what you want to do is plug in the integer values from the start of the index, which we discussed was this bottom number here, to the end of the index, which we discussed was this top value. So let's go ahead and try that, and then we're going to add all these terms together.
So starting right here, notice that our equation is k2. So that means from one to three, we're going to plug in values all the way up to k2. And they're discrete values. So it's like one, two, three, all the way up until we get to this end of the index here. So let's go ahead and try this.
So we start with one down here. And so we're going to have one squared since this is k2. We're going to have plus, and we're going to go up another number, which is going to be two squared. And we're going to have plus three squared. And we're going to stop there since we stop at three.
So we have one squared plus two squared plus three squared, which is the same thing as one plus four plus nine. And then we're going to have five plus nine, which turns out to be 14. So 14 is going to be the result of this summation. So that's how you can evaluate a summation. As you can see, it's quite straightforward.
You're just taking these values and you're plugging them into this equation all the way up until you reach whatever this number is here. Now something I'm going to mention is that when it comes to the index of summation, we've seen that this is k in the examples so far. We saw that up here as well as down there, but it turns out that this k value is not always going to be this letter k. You could see any letter here that represents the start of our index. So it could be k, you could also see something like i, or maybe that's going to be a j or an h or something else.
It could be any letter on the bottom, but that just always represents the start of the index if it's on the bottom of the summation. So we'll try this example down here where we start from an i value of zero, and we go all the way up to four. You may see it written like this in your textbook instead, but you solve this the exact same way. This is the equation that you reference, and you just plug in the numbers all the way until you get to the end of your index. So we'll start with zero.
That's where we're starting. So we're going to have zero plus three. That's going to be plus, and then we're going to have one plus three plus we're just replacing this i here, so it's two plus three plus, and then we're going to have three plus three, and then we're going to have plus, and then we're going to finish off with our index here, which is four plus three. So this is what we get. Now adding up all these numbers here, you should finish with 25.
So 25 is the solution to this summation. So that is how you solve these problems where you're dealing with the sigma notation. As you can see, once you know how to read it and you understand what the values are, it becomes pretty straightforward. I hope you found this video helpful, and let's try getting a bit more practice to r