So let's try solving a problem like this. Here we're asked to approximate the area under the curve of f(x)=x3 on the interval from zero to three using three rectangles. Now notice this problem asks us to use three different methods: the left endpoints, the right endpoints, and the midpoints. So we're really trying to see how accurate of an answer we can get to find the curve underneath this function f(x). Now we're not given a graph of this function, but what I'm going to do is draw kind of a mockup graph right here.
Now this doesn't have to look exactly like the function does. I'm just gonna say it looks something like this. But what this does is tells me how I can draw this curve, what I can make my rectangles look like, and gives me kind of a reference as to what I'm trying to get out of this problem. So let's go ahead and get into things.
Now, what I need to do is fill up the underneath of this curve with rectangles, and that's going to give me the approximate area that we have by calculating the area of each rectangle individually. Now, what I'm first going to do right off the bat is calculate the width of these rectangles, because we know that delta x, the width is b−a÷n. Now, b, that's going to be the high point of our rectangles, which is three. A is going to be the low point of our interval, which is zero, and then it's gonna be divided by n, which is the number of rectangles we have, and in this problem that's gonna be three rectangles. So we have three minus zero over three, which all comes out to one.
So one is gonna be the width for each rectangle. Now, it turns out this width that we have built to x, that's going to stay the same for every type of approximation we use because notice we have the same interval and the same number of rectangles every single time. So that's why this width is gonna stay the same. So this isn't gonna change in this problem. But what is going to change is the area for each rectangle because the heights of each rectangle are going to change depending on whether we start from the leftmost side, whether we go to the rightmost side, or we go somewhere in the middle, that the heights are gonna change each time.
So that's what we need to figure out. Now we're going to start by using a left endpoint approximation. And I'm going to write this as A of L, for area from the left side. Now, to do this, well, it's going to be the area of the first rectangle, plus the area of the second rectangle, plus the area of the third rectangle. There are always three rectangles in this problem.
Now, to write these, I'm starting from the leftmost side. So I'm gonna touch the leftmost side of my graph here, and that's going to be my first rectangle. I will then touch the left side again, that's gonna be the second rectangle, and then the third rectangle is gonna go somewhere right about there. Again, I'm not writing this exactly as it would be, but this is just kind of a reference here so we can solve this problem. So we're trying to find the area right here.
Now to find this area, well, what I'm going to do is figure out where exactly the leftmost sides are. Now this left side would be on the leftmost side at the beginning of my interval, which would be zero. Then we would go one width over, and that would give me one. Then we would go another width over, and that would give me two. The zero plus one is one, one plus one is two, and then we just keep on going, but we're only focusing on the left side.
So those are all the numbers we care about. Now I know the area of a rectangle is width times height. The width is something that we already calculated. It's delta x. It's the same for every approximation that we do.
Now the heights are going to depend on the inputs we have into our function. So we're going to have f(0), and it's gonna be plus f(1) plus f(2), since we're only looking at the left endpoints of these rectangles. Notice how the way I did this is I just did width times height for each rectangle, width times height, width times height, and that's going to give me the approximate area under the curve of this function. So let's go ahead and plug in these numbers. Now we're going to have delta x, which we already know is one.
We calculated this already. And that's gonna be multiplied by f(0). Now to find f(0), just take zero and plug it into our original function. So we'd have zero cubed, which is zero, plus, and then we're going to have one cubed, which comes out to one, plus then we're going to have two cubed, which comes out to eight, because two times two times two is eight. So we're going to have zero times one plus or zero plus one plus eight, and all of that's going to come out to nine.
So nine is going to be the result when we use left endpoints. So this is the process for solving these types of problems. In this case, we wanted left endpoints, so that's what we went ahead and used. But let's go ahead and see some other examples where we're using different endpoints. Like, let's say, instead, we start from the right endpoints rather than the left endpoints.
Well, to do this, I'm going to fill the area under my curve with rectangles, but this time I'm going to start on the rightmost side and fill it with rectangles like this. So I'll have a right endpoint there or another right side here, then another right endpoint rectangle there. And now we're trying to calculate the area of these rectangles to get the approximate area under the curve. Now I noticed right off the bat for this function, what's going to happen is you're going to get a little bit of extra area up here. So we should get we should get a more, a larger number for the results of our functions.
We have some extra area. And, again, this is all just an approximation for the area about under the curve of our function. And since I know that the x cube function does look something kinda like this, then I know we are gonna get this approximation. If it was something different, we might get an under approximation. But here, it looks like it's gonna be over.
So to calculate this area, well, let's go ahead and use the same method we used before. I'm gonna take the area from the right side this time, and it's going to be area one plus area two plus area three. Now again, for each of these areas, the delta x, the width is always gonna stay the same. So we just need to find the heights of each point. But how can we find these?
Well, to find these, all we need to do is look at our rightmost endpoints for our rectangle. Now notice that we have the start of our interval here. Our right endpoint is gonna be one width over. So we start with one, then we go another width over, which is gonna be two, then we go another width over, which is gonna be three. So our inputs to our function are going to be f(1), starting here, plus f(2) going there, then plus f(3).
So this is going to be how we can calculate the area approximately under our curve from the right endpoints. Now doing this, delta x, that's one. It stays the same in this whole problem. But to find f(1), f(2), and f(3), we'll just take one, plug it into our function here. That gives us one cubed or one.
We take two. We plug it into our function. It gives us two cubed or eight. And we take three. We plug it into our function.
It gives us three cubed or 27. So we get one times one plus eight plus 27, which all comes out to 36 for the right endpoints, and that is the solution to part b of this problem. Now we've gone ahead and taken a look at the left endpoints, and we've taken a look at the right endpoints. But there's one more approximation that we are asked to do. Notice we are also asked to find the midpoints.
So to find the midpoints of these rectangles, well, I'm just gonna go ahead and redraw my graph again or redraw the rectangles underneath the curve of this function. So doing that, we're going to start from the middle points of each piece, which can oftentimes be the trickiest part when dealing with these. But if you think about it, this would be the start of our interval zero. We would go over here to one, and then between zero and one would be 0.5. So this would be the height of this first rectangle, and that's or the 0.5 put into our function would be the height of our first rectangle, and that's going to be this first rectangle we're dealing with.
And next, I would go somewhere in between in the middle right here to get my next rectangle, which would look something like that. Then I'll go somewhere in the middle right here to get my next rectangle, which looks something like that. And each of these midpoints, well, that's just gonna be midway between the intervals that we saw before for the left and right endpoints. So we have a zero and then a one here that give us the halfway point 0.5. Then we have a one and a two there.
The halfway point is 1.5. Then we have a two and a three here. The halfway point would be 2.5. And these would be the midpoints of these rectangle. This is now the area we're calculating for the midpoints.
So to find the area of these midpoints now, well, it's just gonna be area one plus area two plus area three. And I can go ahead and do this the same way. I can take this delta x. I can factor it out of these areas. But now I need to find the heights of each rectangle.
Well, the heights, well, we're just gonna plug in these points that we found. So that's gonna be f(0.5) plus f(1.5) plus f(2.5). So this is gonna be the numbers that we plug into our function that we have right here. So we're going to have 0.5 cubed. And I'm gonna go ahead to so I have a bit more space here.
I'm gonna move this over to the left a little bit. So So we'll take this whole piece here. We'll move it over to the left. And now to find that this delta x, well, we already know that that's one. Then we have f(0.5). And what you wanna do is take 0.5 and plug it into your function x cubed. 0.5 cubed is going to come out to 0.125. Then I need to add this to 1.5 plugged into x cubed. 1.5 cubed comes out to 3.375. Then we need to take 2.5, plug it in for x cubed, and that's going to give us 15.625.
And these are going to be the numbers right here. So we need to take one and multiply it by all these numbers added up here, and that's going to give me 19.125 as my result, and that is the solution to this problem. So this is how you can solve problems where you're dealing with approximations, whether it be from the left side or right side or midpoints, and that is going to be the solution right there. We've done all three approximations. And as you can see, we got three different results.
Notice when we did a left endpoint approximation, we got the small number of nine because we had an underestimation that we did. When we did the right endpoint approximation, we got 36, which was an overestimation. And then we got 19.125, which would be somewhere in between those two. Again, it's still not an accurate number, but this would be the estimation with the midpoints. So these are the three ways that you can approximate areas under the curves of functions.
Hope you found this video helpful, and let's try getting some more practice.