True or False: The increase in red blood cell count in tourists visiting Tibet is an example of acclimatization.
Which of the following is an advantage that ectotherms have over endotherms of the same size? a. They require much less food. b. They are less vulnerable to predation during cold weather. c. They can remain active in cold weather or on cold nights. d. They have higher metabolic rates and grow more quickly.

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Key Concepts
Ectothermy vs. Endothermy
Metabolic Rate
Behavioral Adaptations
Which of these examples best describes the concept that form facilitates function? a. Crickets must balance their resources between spermatophore production and immune defenses. b. A desert jackrabbit has large ears that help eliminate excess heat. c. An Antarctic fish maintains homeostasis by conforming to the stable, external temperature. d. Honeybees will swarm around a predatory wasp and contract their flight muscles to generate a lethal ball of heat.
Which of the following statements regarding surface area and volume in animals are correct? Select True or False for each statement. T/F As an animal grows, its volume increases more rapidly than its surface area. T/F A chihuahua has a higher surface area to volume ratio than a great dane. T/F Animals with high surface area to volume ratios heat and cool more slowly than animals with lower surface area to volume ratios. T/F As an animal's volume increases, its total surface area decreases.
For each of the following, explain how structure relates to function: absorptive sections of the digestive tract; capillaries; beaks of Galápagos finches; fish gills.
The metabolic rate of a frog in summer (at 35°C) is about eight times higher than in winter (at 5°C). Compare and contrast the frog's ability to move, exchange gases, and digest food at the two temperatures. During which season will the frog require more food energy, and why?
Explain why most endotherms are homeothermic and most ectotherms are poikilothermic.