Some biologists summarize evolution by natural selection with the phrase 'mutation proposes, selection disposes.' Mutation is a process that creates heritable variation. Explain what the phrase means.
The global “One Health” movement fosters collaborations at the intersection of human health, veterinary health, and environmental health. Explain why “One Health” seeks to reduce the use of antibiotics in farm animals to improve human health.

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Key Concepts
Antibiotic Resistance
Zoonotic Diseases
Ecosystem Health
Why don't the biggest and strongest individuals in a population always produce the most offspring? a. The biggest and strongest individuals always have higher fitness. b. In some environments, being big and strong lowers fitness. c. Sometimes the biggest and strongest individuals may choose to have fewer offspring. d. Sometimes the number of offspring is not related to fitness.
Evaluate this statement: Evolution is said to occur when new traits accumulate over time, increasing complexity.
The geneticist James Crow wrote that successful scientific theories have the following characteristics: (1) They explain otherwise puzzling observations; (2) they provide connections between otherwise disparate observations; (3) they make predictions that can be tested; and (4) they are heuristic, meaning that they open up new avenues of theory and experimentation. Crow added two other elements of scientific theories that he considered important on a personal, emotional level: (5) They should be elegant, in the sense of being simple and powerful; and (6) they should have an element of surprise. How well does the theory of evolution by natural selection fulfill these six criteria?
Over half of the world’s human population lives in cities. Are species adapting to life in these novel urban environments? A global team of researchers (including Tiffany Longo, Jesse Bragger, and Summer Shaheed, shown in in the photo) used white clover as a study system to find out. They measured the production of a compound called hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in rural and urban clover plants. Production of HCN deters herbivores and increases tolerance to drought but has a cost: Clover must expend energy to produce HCN.
Compare how evolution by inheritance of acquired characters and the theory of evolution by natural selection would explain the observation that HCN production is often high in rural environments with many herbivores and low in urban environments with few herbivores.
Most mice living on the mainland of Florida are brown, but the mice that live on the sand dunes of the barrier islands have white fur. The differences in color are heritable, determined by genes such as MC1R. It is intuitive that the light color of beach-dwelling mice is an adaptation for blending into their environment—and thus evading predators. What is an evolutionary adaptation? a. a trait that improves the fitness of its bearer, compared with individuals without the trait b. a trait that changes in response to environmental influences within the individual's lifetime c. the ability of an individual to adjust to its environment d. a trait that an individual wants so that it can survive