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Ch. 53 - Population Ecology

Chapter 16, Problem 9

Which of the following statements about human populations in industrialized countries is correct? (A)Birth rates and death rates are high. (B)Average family size is relatively large. (C)The population has undergone the demographic transition. (D)The survivorship curve is Type II.

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Welcome back. Let's look at our next question. Which of the following is not a population characteristic of developed countries when compared to developing ones. So this question is a little tricky to keep track of, say if we were on a test. Um It can help to underline like this because you've got to keep track of. We're thinking about developed countries as opposed to developing ones. And we're looking for something that is not a population characteristic. So something that is false for developed countries. So just can be a little tricky to keep track of which it is you're looking for. So let's look through our answer choices. Choice A says infant mortality is lower. So again we're looking at what is false about developed countries. Well developed countries, you see lower infant mortality due to better nutrition better health care. So this is something that's true about developed countries. So not our answer choice choice B says the total fertility rate is higher what we do have more Children surviving um as a percent of Children born. But fertility rate has to do with the number of Children born per woman. And the total fertility rate in developed countries is lower compared to developing countries um due to both women having more knowledge about and access to contraception and due to our perceived um less need for larger families. So um in developing countries you might see needing a large family numerous Children to help support the family to help work and with higher infant mortality in developing countries, um fewer Children are surviving. Um A desire for a larger family due to fewer Children surviving. So choice be total fertility rate is higher. Is not a population characteristic of developed countries compared to developing ones. So that is a correct answer. And we'll just keep looking at the other answers to be thorough here. Twic average family size is smaller and yes. For the reasons we discussed in when looking at choice, B average family size is smaller in developed countries as opposed to developing ones. So that is true about the developed countries and therefore not our answer and finally enjoys. D population growth is lower and that is also true about developed countries. Um Due to that lower total fertility rate, we see less population growth and therefore that's uh is a population characteristic. So not our answer choice. So that one was a little tricky to keep track of everything. But our correct answer is total fertility rate is higher. Choice B is not a population characteristic of developed countries, as opposed to developing ones. Hope that helped to see you in the next video