How does a little plant seed turn into a great big tree? Well, all great things have small beginnings, and plants are no exception. The development of a seed begins with fertilization. The pollen grain will deposit sperm into the ovule on the flower, and this results in embryogenesis, which is the development of the seed, and, more importantly, the plant embryo within the seed. Now, after fertilization, what you're left with is a zygote. And this zygote is going to divide into two daughter cells known as the apical cell and the basal cell. So here we have our zygote, and it is going to divide into an apical cell and this basal cell. Now, the apical cell is going to form a mass of cells that will eventually basically become the plant. This cell mass will differentiate into those primary meristems we talked about: the protoderm, ground meristem, and procambium. And you can see the apical cell's division as it continues along to this structure, and eventually just, you know, it's growing into this mass of cells, which will eventually form the plant embryo that you can see behind my noodle here. Now, the basal cell forms a structure called the suspensor that contributes to support structures for the embryo. Only one cell in the suspensor will actually contribute to the plant embryo. So here, we have our suspensor.
Now these embryonic plants have embryonic leaves, we call them cotyledons, and plants will actually be differentiated into monocots and dicots depending on how many cotyledons they have. Monocots have one cotyledon. Right? Mono means one. And eudicots have two cotyledons, di meaning two. And if you're curious, the 'u' part here means true, so these are saying basically, two true leaves or cotyledons. Now the embryonic plant has some other structures that we should go over. These include the hypocotyl, which you can see here, let me jump out of the way, that is basically the embryonic stem of the plant. So it's this portion here. It also will have a radicle, which is an embryonic root. And here, you can see our radicle.
Now, looking at these two seeds over on the left, you'll notice that these are differentiated as monocot and dicot. So here we have a monocot seed, and here we have a eudicot seed. You can tell based on the cotyledons, this one has just one, this guy has two, and you can see the other seed parts, including the seed coat, that protective outer layer, the endosperm, which is going to be the nutrients that the embryo feeds on, and also, we'll have this structure here called the epicotyl, and that is something that some plants have. It's kind of like an embryonic stem, but it's an embryonic stem that extends beyond the cotyledons. So, when our plant sprouts, this becomes more readily apparent. And we'll actually talk about sprouting when we flip the page.