We've seen how shared derived characters are essential for establishing evolutionary relationships. But now we want to see how we actually build this tree. So, to do that, we're going to need to introduce ingroups, outgroups, and the character matrix. And what we're going to do here is we're going to go over this vocabulary first because it's very likely that you're responsible for this vocabulary on some level. So we'll go through that first, then we'll show you how we can actually use a character matrix to build a phylogenetic tree.
Now it is less likely that you actually have to do that as a skill, but I do want to show you how it works because I think following along with that will really help you understand how we actually build trees. How do we establish these evolutionary relationships? Alright. So let's get going with this vocabulary. We're going to start with the character matrix.
Character matrix so it's a matrix. So basically it's a table, and it's going to be used to identify these shared derived characters. Right? And we have a character matrix here that we're going to fill in. You can see here that going down one side, it has organisms.
And going across the top there, it has different characters or different traits. Now if you were doing morphological traits, you know, the type of traits that we have here, typically you would be using dozens of them if you could. Because remember, more characters make a better tree. And if you're using DNA as your traits, you might use 1,000 of them or as many as you can. Alright.
Now you'll notice though that I've put my taxa here going down the side in 2 groups. I've color coded them. So why are they like that? Well, I've broken my taxa into 2 groups. The first group we call the ingroup.
The ingroup are these taxa that we wish to link together or connect in our phylogenetic tree. Right? So in this case, this is the frog, the mouse, the platypus, the bird, and the crocodile. So these are the organisms that we're really trying to build this tree for. We're trying to establish how are these organisms related to each other.
Right? That's our ingroup, but then we also have an outgroup. An outgroup, we are going to choose a related taxon, a taxon that we know is more distantly related than anything in the ingroup. Alright. So I have my ingroup, and for my outgroup, I've picked a fish.
Right? So what I want to do is I want to pick something that I know is pretty closely related to the things that I'm trying to build the tree for, but I know isn't in that group. Right? So my group that I'm trying to build the tree for is land vertebrates, and so as an outgroup, I've picked the fish. Well, fish, those are not land vertebrates, but they are vertebrates.
Right? So I think they're probably pretty closely related, but they're definitely outside that group. Now the reason we use an outgroup is that this is going to help us identify those shared, derived characters. Specifically, it's going to help us identify the difference between a derived character and an ancestral character, and that is going to help us correctly place the root on our tree. Alright.
So let's see how this is going to work. So you see our characters there or see, rather, our taxa are there. You see the characters going across. We have whether or not they lay eggs, whether or not they have 4 limbs, if they have the amnion, that that layer that surrounds a developing embryo in some organisms, whether or not they have mammary glands, and whether or not they have a gizzard. This structure in some organisms that grinds up food.
Alright. Now to fill this out, all we're going to do here is we are going to write a 1 if the taxon has that character, and we are going to write a 0 if it does not. Alright. So let's do Lay eggs. Does the fish lay eggs?
Yes. So it gets a 1. What about the frog? Yes. It gets a 1.
The mouse? No. It gets a 0. Platypus, bird, crocodile, they all get ones because they all lay eggs. Alright.
Let's keep going. Four limbs. Fish does not have that, but everything else does. Alright. What about the amnion?
The fish and the frog do not have an amnion, so they get zeros, but everything else does. They get ones. Mammary glands, well, not the fish and the frog, but yes to the mouse and the platypus, and no to the bird and the crocodile. And finally, the gizzard. Well, the first four organisms here do not have a gizzard, but the bird and the crocodile do.
Great. Alright. So we filled in our matrix. So now let's see how do we use this thing. Alright.
So to do this, I'm going to sort of just clear everything out here. And, well, we're going to have some steps. Step number 1, we are going to identify those shared derived characters. And importantly, we are going to ignore all other characters. If it is not a shared derived character, we're going to ignore it from here on out.
Alright? So let's identify those. So going first, let's look at laying eggs. Well, the fish lays eggs. So the fish is our outgroup.
So if this is shared with the fish, we can assume that it was present in that common ancestor for everything in the tree. That means that it is an ancestral character, so we can ignore laying eggs. Alright. Now, you may say though, what about the mouse? The mouse doesn't lay eggs?
Isn't that therefore a derived character? Yes, it is. But the mouse is the only thing here that doesn't lay eggs. It's not a shared derived character. Remember, our goal here is to put things in groups.
It's to link things together. It doesn't tell me anything that things are different from each other. Right? These are different organisms. I know that going in.
What I want to know is what do they share with other organisms so that I can assume that they have a common ancestor with them. So, therefore, it's not a shared derived character. I can ignore laying eggs. Now everything else here, everything else is shared by more than 1 character. I'm sorry, shared by more than one taxa, but it is not present in the fish.
So all my other characters here, they are shared derived characters. Alright. We can now move to step number 2. Step number 2 says identify pairs of taxa with the most shared derived characters. These are sister taxa.
Alright. So now I got to count how many of these shared derived characters each organism shares with each other. So to do that, I'm going to make another little table here. Going down the side, I have my ingroup, and going across the top, I have my organisms that I'm going to compare my ingroup with. Alright.
So we can start with the fish. Alright. How many shared derived characters does the fish share with the frog? Well, the fish is the outgroup. So it's kind of by definition.
It shares no shared derived characters with any of these organisms. Organisms. Anything it shares with these organisms, we're going to assume is an ancestral character. That means that going down for the frog, the mouse, the platypus, the bird, and the crocodile, it can just put zeros there. It doesn't share any.
Alright. Well, then what about the frog? The frog, you can see here, it has one share derived character. It has 4 limbs. Who does it share that with?
Well, it shares that one character with the mouse, so they share 1. It shares that one character with the platypus, so they share 1. It also shares it with the bird and with the crocodile. So the frog shares 1 share derived character with each of those organisms. Alright.
We can keep going here. The mouse, the mouse has 3 share derived characters. Well, how many of those does it share with the platypus? It shares all 3, so they share 3. With the bird, it shares 2.
With the crocodile, it shares 2. Alright. We keep going. What about the platypus? It has 3 share derived characters, but, well, how many of those does it share with the bird?
Only 2. How many does it share with the crocodile? It shares 2 with the crocodile. Alright. Our last comparison here, we need to compare the bird and the crocodile.
The bird has 3 shared derived characters. How many of those does it share with the crocodile? It shares all 3. Alright. So now we need to identify the taxa with the most shared derived characters.
So what's the biggest number in this table down here? The biggest number is a 3. Now there are two places where there are threes, but let's start with this one. Alright? So first here, we see that the bird and the crocodile have 3 shared derived characters.
Between them, that's the biggest number in my table. So that tells me that I think they are Sister Taxa. They have so many shared derived characters because they share a recent common ancestor. So I'm going to start drawing my tree by joining those 2 together as a group.
Alright. Well, the platypus and the mouse, they also share 3. So again, I think they share so many because they share a recent common ancestor. So I can link these 2 together on my tree. Now these are a group.
Alright. So now I've found my sister taxa. Now, I can go to number 3. I'm just going to continue connecting the taxa based on the number of shared derived characters. But I just want to call out one thing.
I've already linked together my mouse and my platypus. I can now treat them as a group. Right? I've already linked my bird and my crocodile together. I can treat them as a group.
Alright. So with that in mind, let's look what's the next biggest number on this, on this table here. Well, it's all these twos. Alright. Now what do I get, or what comparison gives me those twos?
It's when I compare anything from those two groups together. Right? When I compare either the mouse or the platypus to either the bird or the crocodile, I get a 2. That means that's my next highest number. I can link those taxa together.
Those now make a bigger group of those 4 taxa together. Alright. So now those are linked together. Now I can keep going. What's my next highest number on this table?
It's this one. Well, this one is whenever I compare the frog to anything in this big group here. So now I can link my frog onto this tree. And the final thing I have to do, I need to link on my outgroup. Well, the outgroup, I don't care what the numbers are because by definition, I'm going to link my outgroup to the bottom of my tree, and that's going to give me my root.
Alright. So we've built a tree. That's how we do it. Alright. Now going forward, remember, ingroup, outgroup, and a character matrix, those vocabulary terms you're very likely going to be responsible for.
Actually building a tree, it's less likely you need to know how to do that. But again, I hope you followed along and hope to see how this works because, well, I think it's really cool and kind of fun. All right. We're going to have more practice coming. I'll see you there.