This video, we're going to talk about net primary production or NPP, specifically in aquatic ecosystems. And so really there are two factors that primarily dictate aquatic net primary production, and those two factors are light and nutrients. Now when it comes to light, really it's the depth of light penetration that matters most. So what you should know is that aquatic net primary productivity is actually higher in surface waters where the light actually reaches. And this is because light drives photosynthesis.
And of course, the more photosynthesis there is, the more net primary productivity there will be. And so if we take a look at our image down below on the left-hand side, notice we can see this decreasing gradient of light with depth, where again, the higher surface waters have higher availability of light. But as you go deeper and deeper into the water, the light availability gets lower and lower to the point where if you go deep enough, eventually there won't be any light available at all. And again, light drives photosynthesis, and the more photosynthesis, the more net primary productivity. So notice NPP has a similar decreasing gradient with depth as light does.
Now in terms of nutrients, what you should know is that usually nitrogen and phosphorus are going to serve as limiting nutrients. And so in many cases, it's going to be the addition of these specific nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus, that will actually lead to an increase in net primary productivity. Now it's also important to recall from previous lesson videos that nutrients have a tendency to sync with detritus or dead decaying matter, which creates an increasing gradient of nutrients with depth, which we can see over here. This gradient of nutrients increases with depth, so there's lower nutrients in surface waters. And as the organisms in the surface water die, the detritus will sink and bring along with it all of the nutrients, which creates this draw of nutrients, this constant draw of nutrients from surface waters down to deeper waters, and that's what creates this increasing gradient.
Now over here on the right-hand side, we have an image to remind you of the process of eutrophication, which we've already covered in some of our previous lesson videos. So recall that eutrophication is the process of an ecosystem becoming nutrient-rich over time. And of course, the addition of all these nutrients is going to lead to an increase in net primary production. However, consequently, this is going to deplete the oxygen content in that eutrophic environment, and this is because all of the life that's supported by that increase in net primary production will eventually die. And the decaying process consumes a lot of oxygen, which ends up depleting the oxygen in that environment.
And so if we take a look at this image down below, notice on the left-hand side we're starting with an environment that has relatively low amounts of nutrients. And with low nutrients, that will only allow for low net primary productivity. And this allows for a high oxygen environment. And so aerobic organisms like fish are able to thrive in these environments. Now again, eutrophication, indicated by this orangish arrow here, is the process of the environment becoming nutrient rich.
And so notice now over here we have a relatively high amount of nutrients. And with high nutrients, that is going to allow for high net primary productivity, which will allow for, which will support a lot of life. But when that life dies, once again, the decaying process consumes a lot of oxygen, depleting the oxygen in the environment creating a low oxygen environment. And so aerobic organisms that require higher amounts of oxygen will end up dying, which is why we're not showing you those same fish here. Now the very last note that I'll leave you all off with is this note that we have here, which is really just a reminder that coral reefs are amongst the most productive aquatic ecosystems on earth.
While open oceans, on the other hand, are actually the least productive per meter squared. But oceans are vast and ginormous. So despite being the least productive per meter squared, that productivity adds up to be a significant amount when you consider how big the oceans are. So this here concludes this video. We'll be able to apply these concepts and problems.
So see you all in the next video.