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Thermoregulation exam Flashcards

Thermoregulation exam
  • Thermoregulation

    A type of homeostasis that controls body temperature.
  • Endothermic organisms

    Organisms that generate their body's main source of heat internally through their metabolism.
  • Ectothermic organisms

    Organisms that absorb most of their body heat from external sources.
  • Homeotherms

    Organisms that maintain a constant body temperature regardless of environmental conditions.
  • Poikilotherms

    Organisms whose body temperature varies significantly with environmental conditions.
  • What is the role of the hypothalamus in thermoregulation?

    The hypothalamus acts as the sensor for body temperature regulation, bridging the nervous and endocrine systems.
  • What is vasoconstriction?

    The constriction of blood vessels to reduce heat loss.
  • What is vasodilation?

    The dilation of blood vessels to increase heat loss.
  • Countercurrent exchange

    A mechanism where two fluids flow in opposite directions and exchange heat or other substances.
  • What is the function of brown adipose tissue?

    Brown adipose tissue contains high concentrations of mitochondria and generates heat by consuming energy.
  • Shivering

    An involuntary response that generates heat through muscle movement.
  • Sweating

    A cooling mechanism where sweat evaporates from the skin, absorbing heat and cooling the body.
  • Insulation

    Adaptations like hair, fur, feathers, and fat that help conserve body heat.
  • What is the primary advantage of endotherms over ectotherms?

    Endotherms have a more tightly controlled internal environment, allowing better regulation of chemical processes.
  • What is the primary disadvantage of endotherms?

    Endotherms require a lot of food to fuel metabolic processes that generate body heat.
  • What is the primary advantage of ectotherms?

    Ectotherms do not need as much energy to maintain body heat and thus spend less time looking for food.
  • What is the primary disadvantage of ectotherms?

    Ectotherms have less control over their internal environment, which can affect their ability to carry out chemical reactions.
  • Heterotherms

    Organisms that use strategies from both homeotherms and poikilotherms.
  • What is the integumentary system?

    The organ system that surrounds the body, including skin, hair, and nails, and helps in thermoregulation.
  • Goosebumps

    A response that causes hairs to stand up, helping with heat retention.
  • What is the myth of the beer jacket?

    The false belief that alcohol keeps you warm; in reality, it causes vasodilation and increases heat loss.
  • What is the role of fat in thermoregulation?

    Fat acts as insulation, reducing heat loss to the environment.
  • What is the significance of countercurrent exchange in thermoregulation?

    It conserves body heat by allowing heat exchange between arterial and venous blood flowing in opposite directions.
  • What is the role of feathers in thermoregulation?

    Feathers, especially down feathers, provide insulation to keep birds warm.
  • What is the role of mitochondria in brown adipose tissue?

    Mitochondria in brown adipose tissue generate heat by producing ATP.
  • What is the function of vasoconstriction in cold environments?

    Vasoconstriction reduces blood flow to the skin, minimizing heat loss.
  • What is the function of vasodilation in hot environments?

    Vasodilation increases blood flow to the skin, promoting heat loss.
  • What is the role of the hypothalamus in thermoregulation?

    The hypothalamus acts as the body's thermostat, regulating temperature by triggering responses like shivering or sweating.