Mitosis & Meiosis Review quiz Flashcards
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What model organism did Gregor Mendel use for his experiments?
Gregor Mendel used pea plants as his model organism.
Define the term 'character' as used by Gregor Mendel.
A 'character' is an inherited feature that varies among individual organisms.
What are examples of characters in pea plants according to Mendel?
Examples of characters in pea plants include plant height, flower color, pea color, and pea pod shape.
What term did Mendel use to describe different variants of specific characters?
Mendel used the term 'traits' to describe different variants of specific characters.
Give an example of a character and its traits in pea plants.
For the character plant height, the traits are short and tall plants.
What are the traits for the character flower color in pea plants?
The traits for the character flower color are white and purple flowers.
How can Mendel's discoveries in pea plants be applied to other organisms?
Mendel's discoveries can be applied to other organisms, including humans, to understand genetic inheritance.
What is the difference between a character and a trait?
A character is a broader inherited feature, while a trait is a specific variant of that character.
What are the traits for the character pea color in Mendel's experiments?
The traits for the character pea color are green and yellow peas.
What are the traits for the character pea pod shape in Mendel's experiments?
The traits for the character pea pod shape are straight and bumpy.
What is the significance of using model organisms in genetic studies?
Model organisms are used to make discoveries and gain insights into other organisms, including humans.
What is an example of an acquired trait?
An acquired trait is a characteristic that an organism develops after birth due to environmental influences, not inherited genetically.
What is the role of alleles in genetics?
Alleles are different forms of a gene that determine specific traits in an organism.