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Descent with Modification quiz Flashcards

Descent with Modification quiz

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  • What was the name of the ship on which Darwin voyaged that influenced his ideas on evolution?

    The Beagle.
  • What concept did Darwin develop to describe an organism's ability to survive and reproduce?

  • What is an adaptation in the context of natural selection?

    A trait that is maintained and evolved by natural selection to enhance an organism's fitness.
  • What phenomenon describes the evolution of darker pigmentation in organisms due to industrial pollution?

    Industrial Melanism.
  • What is artificial selection?

    The process by which humans breed organisms for certain traits.
  • What is the fossil record?

    All the fossils found on Earth, providing evidence for evolution.
  • What is convergent evolution?

    The independent evolution of similar features in different species.
  • What are analogous structures?

    Structures that have similar functions but independent origins.
  • What is divergent evolution?

    The accumulation of differences between groups leading to the formation of new species.
  • What are homologous structures?

    Structures with shared ancestry that have developed differently.
  • What does the Hardy-Weinberg principle model?

    Allele and genotype frequencies in a population under certain conditions.
  • What are the five assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg principle?

    Random mating, no natural selection, no genetic drift, no gene flow, and no mutation.
  • What does q² represent in the Hardy-Weinberg equation?

    The frequency of homozygous recessive individuals in a population.
  • What does 2pq represent in the Hardy-Weinberg equation?

    The frequency of heterozygous individuals in a population.
  • What does p² represent in the Hardy-Weinberg equation?

    The frequency of homozygous dominant individuals in a population.