This example asks us to put the following structures in order from superficial to deep: the ribs, the heart, the chest muscles, and the skin. And then over here, it gives us this anatomical model that we can see in profile, allowing us to view all those structures as a reference. All right. Give yourself a second, just, in your head, can you put those in order from superficial to deep? Alright.
Remember that superficial is towards the outside of the body, and deep is towards the inside of the body. The most superficial thing I see here is the skin. It's really hard to get more superficial than the skin, which covers the outside of your body. As we go deeper than the skin, the next thing that we're going to come to is the chest muscles.
The skin is superficial to the chest muscles. The chest muscles are deep to the skin. As we go deeper, the next thing we're going to come to is the ribs. The ribs are deep to the chest muscles and the skin. The chest muscles are superf