Next up, we have anatomical terms for the back of the trunk. Okay. Same disclaimer as always. Check your notes. Every anatomy class is a little bit different.
You want to make sure that you're learning the words that are going to be on your test. Okay. First up, we have scapular. Scapular is the region of the shoulder blade and the scapula is the bone that is your shoulder blade. Now both scapular and scapula come from the Latin meaning spade or shovel.
Now, we don't know why. It could be that a human scapula kind of looks like a small shovel, or it could be that a very long time ago, people used animal bones as digging tools and a big old animal scapula would be a particularly good digging tool. We don't know what's right. For our purposes, it doesn't matter. Scapular, shoulder blade.
Next, we have vertebral. Vertebral is the spine, and the spine is made up of bones. Those bones are called vertebrae. So the bones of the spine are vertebrae. The region of the spine is the vertebral region.
Next, we have lumbar. This is one you may be familiar with. Lumbar is the lower back. If you ever bought an office chair, you want to make sure you get an office chair with nice lumbar support because it's gonna support your lower back, lumbar lower back. Moving down, we have gluteal.
Gluteal is your glutes or your buttocks. Your gluteus maximus is the big muscle in your rear end. So gluteal glutes or buttocks.
Next, we have metacarpal. Now metacarpal isn't on the trunk, but in anatomical position, it's in the back. So we're gonna do it here. Metacarpal is the bones of the hand. The metacarpal region comes from 2 root words. Meta means after, and carpal means wrist. So the carpal region is your wrist region. If you go after the wrist, you reach the bones of the hand. Metacarpal, bones of the hand.
Finally, on this side, we have perineal. Perineal is the small region between the anus and the genitals. Now you may have a slang term that you use for this region. If it helps you remember it, I encourage you to link those 2 in your mind. For me, I like to remember it because perineal kind of sounds like perianal, and the perineal region is next to the anus. The root word peri actually means near or around, so perianal would mean near the anus. That's not where perineal comes from, not where that word comes from, but it helps you remember it. Perineal, the small region between your anus and your genitals.
Over here, we have olecranon. Olecranon is the back of the elbow. Now olecranon comes from 2 Greek words. First, we have olen, which means elbow in Greek, and second, we have cranium, and cranium means head. So if you look at the back of your elbow, right, you have that bump on there, that bone that sticks out. That's the head of your elbow. The head of your elbow would be the olecranon region. Olecranon, back of the elbow. Now, finally, here we have sacral. Sacral is going to be the bottom of the spine.
Your spine comes down to the sacrum. The sacrum meets up with the pelvis, and that's what connects your pelvis to the spine, the sacral region. Now sacral and sacrum comes from the Latin meaning sacred. We're not exactly sure why. It could be that in animal sacrifices, this bone, the sacrum, was considered particularly sacred, and so it was used there. I've also heard that when a skeleton decomposes, the sacrum is the last bone to rot. I don't know if that's true, but if it is, people might think that it is a sacred bone. So the sacrum is a sacred bone. Sacral, the bottom of your spine. Okay.
That means we've learned 8 more terms. We are on our way. I'll see you in the next video.