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Reflex Arcs definitions Flashcards

Reflex Arcs definitions
  • Stretch Reflex

    A monosynaptic reflex initiated by muscle spindles in response to unexpected stretching, causing muscle contraction.
  • Muscle Spindles

    Sensory receptors within muscles that detect changes in muscle length and trigger the stretch reflex.
  • Reciprocal Inhibition

    A polysynaptic process that relaxes the antagonistic muscle during a stretch reflex to ensure smooth movement.
  • Tendon Reflex

    A polysynaptic reflex triggered by Golgi tendon organs in response to excessive tension, leading to muscle relaxation.
  • Golgi Tendon Organs

    Sensory receptors located in tendons that detect tension and initiate the tendon reflex.
  • Reciprocal Activation

    A process where the antagonistic muscle contracts during the tendon reflex to maintain balance and prevent overextension.
  • Flexor Reflex

    An ipsilateral reflex causing rapid contraction of flexor muscles in response to a painful stimulus, leading to withdrawal.
  • Crossed Extensor Reflex

    A contralateral reflex that extends the opposite limb to maintain balance during a flexor reflex.
  • Ipsilateral

    Referring to reflex actions occurring on the same side of the body as the stimulus.
  • Contralateral

    Referring to reflex actions occurring on the opposite side of the body as the stimulus.
  • Monosynaptic

    A reflex arc involving a single synapse between a sensory and a motor neuron.
  • Polysynaptic

    A reflex arc involving multiple synapses, typically including interneurons.
  • Antagonistic Muscle

    A muscle that opposes the action of another muscle, often relaxed during reflex actions.
  • Interneuron

    A neuron that transmits impulses between other neurons, especially in reflex arcs.
  • Sensory Neuron

    A neuron that transmits sensory information from receptors to the central nervous system.