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Organization of the Body: Serous Membranes definitions Flashcards

Organization of the Body: Serous Membranes definitions
  • Serous Membranes

    Thin tissues forming a double-layered membrane around organs in thoracic and abdominal regions.
  • Serosa

    Another term for serous membranes, indicating their thin, double-layered structure.
  • Visceral Layer

    The inner layer of the serous membrane attached directly to the organs.
  • Parietal Layer

    The outer layer of the serous membrane attached to the body wall.
  • Serous Cavity

    The space or potential space between the visceral and parietal layers of the serous membrane.
  • Serous Fluid

    Lubricating fluid within the serous cavity that allows smooth organ movement.
  • Thoracic Region

    The part of the body cavity where serous membranes surround organs like the heart and lungs.
  • Abdominal Pelvic Region

    The lower part of the body cavity where serous membranes surround organs like the intestines.
  • Connective Tissue

    Tissue that attaches the visceral and parietal layers to organs and body walls, respectively.
  • Potential Space

    A space that can exist between the serous membrane layers, often without actual separation.