This problem asks us to use our knowledge of anatomical terms to see if we can figure out where these four medical conditions affect the body. So let's take a look. First off, we have hallux rigidus. Alright. See if you can figure that one out.
Okay, hallux. We said "hal" has a luxuriously large big toe, so hallux rigidus affects the big toe. Specifically, it's an arthritic condition of the big toe. Next, we have a calcaneal spur. Give yourself a second to figure that one out.
Okay. The keyword there is calcaneal. Calcaneal is the heel. Calcaneus is the heel bone. So a calcaneal spur is just a bone spur on the heel.
Next, we have metatarsalgia. See what you think about that. Alright. The key part of this word is metatarsal, and we said "meta" means after, and "tarsal" means the ankle. So it's the bones after the ankle, which are the bones of the foot.
Specifically, metatarsalgia is a painful condition of the ball of the foot. That's where those bones of the foot along the top of your foot, that's where they end. So metatarsalgia affects those bones of your foot. Then finally, we have tarsal tunnel syndrome. See what you think about that one.
All right. Tarsal tunnel syndrome. You've probably heard of carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome affects your wrist. And I suggest that you remember carpal and tarsal together because they kind of sound similar.
Tarsal's your ankle. So you have a carpal tunnel. You also have a tarsal tunnel, and so tarsal tunnel syndrome affects your ankle. Alright. With that, we have some practice problems below.
Give them a try.