This example, again, wants us to mark up a body using those directional terms that we just learned. So let's give it a look. It says to put an asterisk immediately proximal to the right ankle. Alright. Take a second and see if you can figure out where that goes.
Alright. The first thing I want to do, I want to remember which way this body is facing, so I'm going to give it a little smiley face. And then I'm going to remind myself of my left and my right sides because that can confuse me sometimes. Now, immediately proximal. Proximal means closer to the body, closer to the attachment point.
So I'm going to put that asterisk just above the right ankle, sort of right on the shin here. Alright. Let's look at the next one. An "o" distal to the right shoulder, but proximal to the elbow. Alright.
Take a second to look at that. Okay. So distal to the right shoulder but proximal to the elbow. Distal means farther down the arm. Proximal means closer up the arm.
So farther away from the shoulder but closer to the elbow. That means that on the right side I'm going to put this "o" right up here on the upper arm. Alright. Next, it says the most proximal place on the left arm. Take a second.
All right. The most proximal place is as close as you can possibly get to the attachment point of the body. That's going to be right up by the shoulder. I'm going to put a plus sign right up there. Finally, we have an "x" immediately distal to the left knee.
Take a second. Alright. Distal to the knee. Distal means farther down the limb away from the attachment point. So I'm going to put a mark just under the knee, sort of at the top of the shin.
I'm going to put an "x" right here on the left side. And there you have it. I think we did it.