100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People, 2nd edition

Published by New Riders (June 25, 2020) © 2020

  • Susan Weinschenk



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In 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People, 2nd Edition, Dr. Susan Weinschenk shows design and web professionals how to apply the latest research in cognitive, perceptual, and social psychology to create more effective web sites and apps. Dr. Weinschenk offers concise, plain-English insights and practical examples for designing sites and apps that are more intuitive and engaging, because they match the way humans think, work, and play.
Updated to reflect the latest scientific findings, this full-color, relentlessly practical guide will help students whether their background is in visual design, interaction design, programming, or anything else. Weinschenk will help readers improve the many design choices they make every single day – from choosing fonts and chunking information to motivating people and guiding them towards purchase.

  • Learn what motivates human behavior, and apply that knowledge in all your web designs
  • Grounded firmly in science, but more accessible and easier to apply than ever before
  • Fully updated to reflect new research findings in areas ranging from motivation to emotion
This new 2nd Edition:
  • Reflects new research findings specifically relevant to several topics
  • Includes updated and rewritten section takeaways that are more usable and specific
  • Now includes references in each section for greater convenience
How People See

1. What You See Isn't What Your Brain Gets

2. Peripheral Vision Is Used More Than Central Vision to Get the Gist of What You See

3. People Identify Objects by Recognizing Patterns

4. There's a Special Part of the Brain Just for Recognizing Faces

5. There Is a Special Part of the Brain for Processing Simple Visual Features

6. People Scan Screens Based on Past Experience and Expectations

7. People See Cues That Tell Them What to Do with An Object

8. People Can Miss Changes in Their Visual Fields

9. People Believe That Things That Are Close Together Belong Together

10. Red and Blue Together Are Hard on the Eyes

11. Nine Percent of Men and One-Half Percent of Women Are Color-Blind

12. The Meanings of Colors Vary by Culture How People Read

How People Read

13. It's a Myth That Uppercase Letters Are Inherently Hard to Read

14. Reading and Comprehending Are Two Different Things

15. Pattern Recognition Helps People Identify Letters in Different Fonts

16. Font Size Matters

17. Reading a Screen Is Harder Than Reading Paper

18. People Read Faster with a Longer Line Length, But They Prefer a Shorter Line Length

How People Remember

19. Short-Term Memory Is Limited

20. People Remember Only Four Items at Once

21. People Have to Use Information to Make It Stick

22. It's Easier to Recognize Information Than Recall It

23. Memory Takes a Lot of Mental Resources

24. People Reconstruct Memories Each Time They Remember Them

25. It's a Good Thing That People Forget

26. The Most Vivid Memories Are Wrong

How People Think

27. People Process Information Better in Bite-Sized Chunks

28. Some Types of Mental Processing Are More Challenging Than Others

29. Minds Wander 30 Percent of the Time

30. The More Uncertain People Are, the More They Defend Their Ideas

31. People Create Mental Models

32. People Interact with Conceptual Models

33. People Process Information Best in Story Form

34. People Learn Best from Examples

35. People Are Driven to Create Categories

36. Time Is Relative

37. People Screen Out Information That Doesn't Fit Their Beliefs

38. People Can Be in a Flow State

39. Culture Affects How People Think

How People Focus Their Attention

40. Attention Is Selective

41. People Habituate Information

42. Well-Practiced Skills Don't Require Conscious Attention

43. Expectations of Frequency Affect Attention

44. Sustained Attention Lasts About Ten Minutes

45. People Pay Attention Only to Salient Cues

46. People Are Worse at Multitasking Than They Think

47. Danger, Food, Sex, Movement, Faces, and Stories Get the Most Attention

48. Loud Noises Startle and Get Attention

49. For People to Pay Attention to Something, They Must First Perceive It

What Motivates People

50. People Are More Motivated as They Get Closer to a Goal

51. Variable Rewards Are Powerful

52. Dopamine Stimulates the Seeking of Information

53. Unpredictability Keeps People Searching

54. People Are More Motivated by Intrinsic Rewards Than Extrinsic Rewards

55. People Are Motivated by Progress, Mastery, and Control

56. People Are Motivated by Social Norms

57. People Are Inherently Lazy

58. People Will Look for Shortcuts Only If the Shortcuts Are Easy

59. People Assume It's You, Not the Situation

60. Forming or Changing a Habit Is Easier Than You Think

61. People Are More Motivated to Compete When There Are Fewer Competitors

62. People Are Motivated by Autonomy

People Are Social Animals

63. The “Strong Tie” Group Size Limit Is 150 People

64. People Are Hard Wired for Imitation and Empathy

65. Doing Things Together Bonds People Together

66. People Expect Online Interactions to Follow Social Rules

67. People Lie to Differing Degrees Depending on the Medium

68. Speakers' Brains and Listeners' Brains Sync Up During Communication

69. The Brain Responds Uniquely to People You Know Personally

70. Laughter Bonds People Together

71. People Can Tell When a Smile Is Real or Fake More Accurately with Video

How People Feel

72. Some Emotions May Be Universal

73. Positive Feelings about a Group Can Lead to Groupthink

74. Stories and Anecdotes Persuade More Than Data Alone

75. If People Can't Feel, Then They Can't Decide

76. People Are Programmed to Enjoy Surprises

77. People Are Happier When They're Busy

78. Pastoral Scenes Make People Happy

79. People Use "Look and Feel" as Their First Indicator of Trust

80. Listening to Music Releases Dopamine in the Brain

81. The More Difficult Something Is to Achieve, the More People Like It

82. People Overestimate Reactions to Future Events

83. People Feel More Positive Before and After an Event Than During It

84. People Want What Is Familiar When They Are Sad or Scared 

People Make Mistakes

85. People Will Always Make Mistakes; There Is No Fail-Safe Product

86. People Make Errors When They Are Under Stress

87. Not All Mistakes Are Bad

88. People Make Predictable Types of Errors

89. People Use Different Error Strategies

How People Decide

90. People Make Most Decisions Unconsciously

91. The Unconscious Knows First

92. People Want More Choices and Information Than They Can Process

93. People Think Choice Equals Control

94. People May Care About Time More Than They Care About Money

95. Mood Influences the Decision- Making Process

96. You Can Engineer Better Group Decisions

97. People Make Habit-Based Decisions or Value-Based Decisions, but Not Both at the Same Time

98. When People Are Uncertain, They Let Others Decide What to Do

99. People Think Others Are More Easily Influenced Than They Are Themselves

100. People Value a Product More Highly When It's Physically in Front of Them

Susan M. Weinschenk has a Ph.D. in Psychology and is the Chief Behavioral Scientist and the CEO at The Team W, Inc. She is a consultant to Fortune 1000 companies, start-ups, governments and non-profits. Dr. Weinschenk is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Wisconsin.

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