Domain-Driven Design Distilled, 1st edition

Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (May 23, 2016) © 2016

  • Vaughn Vernon



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Domain-Driven Design Distilled brings DDD to life. Whether you’re a developer, architect, analyst, consultant, or customer, Vernon helps you truly understand it so you can benefit from its remarkable power.

  • The first gentle, concise, and robust introduction to DDD: demystifies key concepts, so you can make the most of this emerging paradigm
  • Teaches a way of thinking that encourages discovery and knowledge refinement through experimentation
  • Helps readers challenge dangerous assumptions about their software models
  • Introduces new commercial products that make DDD easier to use
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    Preface xi

    Acknowledgments xv

    About the Author xvii

    Chapter 1: DDD for Me 1

    Will DDD Hurt? 2

    Good, Bad, and Effective Design 3

    Strategic Design 7

    Tactical Design 8

    The Learning Process and Refining Knowledge 9

    Let’s Get Started! 10


    Chapter 2: Strategic Design with Bounded Contexts and the Ubiquitous Language 11

    Domain Experts and Business Drivers 17

    Case Study 21

    Fundamental Strategic Design Needed 25

    Challenge and Unify 29

    Developing a Ubiquitous Language 34

    Architecture 41

    Summary 44


    Chapter 3: Strategic Design with Subdomains 45

    What Is a Subdomain? 46

    Types of Subdomains 46

    Dealing with Complexity 47

    Summary 50


    Chapter 4: Strategic Design with Context Mapping 51

    Kinds of Mappings 54

    Making Good Use of Context Mapping 60

    An Example in Context Mapping 70

    Summary 73


    Chapter 5: Tactical Design with Aggregates 75

    Why Used 76

    Aggregate Rules of Thumb 81

    Modeling Aggregates 88

    Summary 98


    Chapter 6: Tactical Design with Domain Events 99

    Designing, Implementing, and Using Domain Events 100

    Event Sourcing 107

    Summary 109


    Chapter 7: Acceleration and Management Tools 111

    Event Storming 112

    Managing DDD on an Agile Project 125

    Timeboxed Modeling 132

    Summary 136

    References 137

    Index 139

    Vaughn Vernon is a champion of simplifying software architecture and development, with an emphasis on reactive methods. He has a unique ability to teach and lead with Domain-Driven Design using lightweight tools to unveil unimagined value. He helps organizations achieve competitive advantages using enduring tools such as architectures, patterns, and approaches, and through partnerships between business stakeholders and software developers.

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