Proactive Police Management, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (March 27, 2014) © 2015

  • Edward A. Thibault
  • Lawrence M. Lynch
  • Bruce R. McBride
  • Gregory Walsh



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For Police Administration/Management and Police Supervision courses in criminal justice.

This book is widely used both as a textbook for college and university classes in police management and as a reference text for police managers in dealing with operational issues in their department, as well as for training police supervisors and administrators and is required reading for civil service promotional examinations.

Proactive Police Management, 9e, is the widely used text for criminal justice and police science programs that emphasizes a contemporary and proactive approach to police management. Various police management styles are addressed throughout, from traditional scientific management to the behavioral/systems approach to the human relations approach. Its chapters take a realistic look at operational problems that can occur within a police department and how a consultative, proactive management style can help solve and resolve them. Fully updated in this edition, its goal is to reveal how proactive management techniques and new technology are revolutionizing police management today.

Teaching and Learning

This edition of Proactive Police Management provides a review, analysis, and synthesis of the various approaches to police management, including traditional scientific management, the behavioral/systems approach, and the human relations approach. It provides:

  • Proactive approach to police management: Takes a realistic look at issues and operational problems and discusses various police management styles
  • Strong coverage of technology: The application of new technology continues to revolutionize policing as well as other private and public services in the United States
  • Comprehensive pedagogical features: Gives students the tools to master key concepts faster and more effectively, and provides support for instructors


Proactive approach to police management:

  • Stresses the importance of planning ahead, anticipating the future, and establishing control—demonstrating the proactive approach to police management
  • Takes a realistic look at issues and operational problems that can occur within a police department—prepares students for the realities of the job and emphasizes problem solving throughout
  • Discusses various police management styles—covers traditional scientific management, the behavioral/systems approach, the human relations approach, and discusses the strengths of the consultative style for all stakeholders 

Strong coverage of technology: 

  • Discusses how computers and advanced technology are revolutionizing police operations—both in terms of dispatching and accessing real-time information and data
  • Demonstrates how the application of new technology is modernizing policing—covers topics such as, 911, computer-dispatch, vehicle monitoring, crime mapping, CompStat, cross-jurisdictional high-speed notification and more

Comprehensive pedagogical features:

  • Proven pedagogical tools to promote effective learning—includes chapter conclusions, questions for review, and class projects
  • Web links throughout this edition direct students to resources that are available on the Internet—reinforces the digital society we live in and the application of the Internet to the police management field

General Changes:

  • NEW! Fourth author, Gregory Walsh—Dr.Walsh teaches and writes in the areas of police management, homeland security, and emergency management and joined the faculty after a 25 year career with the New York State Police. Before retiring as captain with the Bureau of Criminal Investigations, he was also responsible for counter-terrorism planning as it related to critical infrastructure. 

Chapter-by-Chapter Changes:

Chapter 1:  President Theodore Roosevelt, who served as New York City Police Commissioner, brought many new initiatives to law enforcement, including a civil service system, was added the contributions to police leadership.

Chapter 2: A review of female executives in law enforcement has been moved to this chapter, where contemporary issues and the continued advancement of females in law enforcement are discussed.

Chapter 3: A new examination by James Grant, who found that leadership includes the notion of being a giving leader has been added. 

Chapter 6: New to this chapteris how the ever-changing electronic media impacts policing—managers need to be aware of the ever-newer instant communications trends, such as Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler, or Vine, as well as making wise decisions on implementing some or all new media as potential investigative or community service resources. </para>

Chapter 9: Now includes a look at the practicalities of illegal gambling investigations, such as during large national sporting events, a fresh look at the once popular DARE Program, and a new look at police-prosecutor relations. A new section on law enforcement’s anti-terrorism efforts has been added to the chapter, as well.

Chapter 10: A new discussion on police lawsuits and how damaging one successful suit can be to a police agency and municipality can be found in this chapter. 

Chapter 12: One of the recommendations the authors make in this new edition, is to increase educational requirements for new hires in law enforcement, with the goal of having a nationwide college-educated police force.

Chapter 13: New to this edition is a review of a police study on international anti-terrorism training, and updates to virtual simulation capabilities.

Chapter 14: Proactive planning, adds to the last editions revamp of the chapter with the recommendation for police leaders to conform their agencies to National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliance. Contemporary events, such as the April, 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing is brought into this edition.

Chapter 1       Historical Perspective

Chapter 2       Police Culture

Chapter 3       The Art and Style of Proactive Police Leadership

Chapter 4       Purposes and Principles of Police Organizations

Chapter 5       Operating Principles

Chapter 6       Proactive Communication and Information Management

Chapter 7       Proactive Police Technology for the Twenty-First Century

Chapter 8       Patrol Operations and Community Policing

Chapter 9       Basic Line Functions

Chapter 10     Administrative/Staff Functions

Chapter 11     Auxiliary Functions

Chapter 12     Human Resources Management

Chapter 13     Training

Chapter 14     Proactive Planning

Chapter 15     Collective Bargaining and Police Management

Chapter 16     The Future of Proactive Police Management

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