Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (January 9, 2019) © 2020

  • Dale H. Schunk University of North Carolina at Greensboro


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For learning cognition and instruction courses.

A comprehensive look at key learning theories and how they can be applied in today's classrooms

Learning Theories introduces readers to key theoretical principles, concepts, and research findings of learning and how to apply them as educators. It examines the relationship between theory and instruction, looks at the neuroscience of learning, and discusses the major theories of and key topics related to learning. A final chapter helps students consolidate their views on the subject.

The 8th Edition has been significantly updated with a number of new features and the most current thinking and research.

Hallmark features of this title

Real-world context

  • Opening vignettes spark students' interest in the material to be covered.
  • Instructional Application sections show how the principles discussed apply to real-world learning settings.
  • Ch. 12, “Next Steps” helps students formulate their own perspectives on education and learning.

Comprehensive, thoughtful coverage

  • Ch. 2 on the neuroscience of learning covers brain structures and development, and implications of brain research on teaching and learning.
  • All major learning theories are covered, including behaviorism, social cognitive theory, information processing, cognitive processes, and constructivism.
  • Motivation, self-regulation, and contextual influences all receive chapter-length coverage and help students understand how each impacts learning.

New and updated features of this title

Real-world context

  • NEW: Section gives students a basic understanding of the goals and methods of data mining (Ch. 1).

Comprehensive, thoughtful coverage

  • NEW: Chapter Critique sections and Reflection Questions at the end of the first 11 chapters gives readers a fuller, more nuanced understanding of theories and the research around them.
  • NEW: Content sections cover positive behavior supports (Ch. 3), metacognition and epistemic thinking (Ch. 7), Neo-Piagetian theories (Ch. 8), self-regulation and technology (Ch. 10), and future developments (Ch. 12).
  • EXPANDED: Coverage of growing topics with new research includes neuroscience (Ch. 2), constructivism (Ch. 8), and contextual influences on learning (Ch. 11).
  1. Introduction to the Study of Learning
  2. Neuroscience of Learning
  3. Behaviorism
  4. Social Cognitive Theory
  5. Information Processing Theory: Encoding and Storage
  6. Information Processing Theory: Retrieval and Forgetting
  7. Cognitive Learning Processes
  8. Constructivism
  9. Motivation
  10. Self-Regulated Learning
  11. Contextual Influences
  12. Next Steps

About our author

Dale Schunk is a professor in the Department of Teacher Education and Higher Education, School of Education, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. From 2001 to 2011 he served as Dean of the School of Education. He received his PhD in Educational Psychology from Stanford University. Previously he was a faculty member at the University of Houston and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to his move to UNC Greensboro in 2001 he was Head of the Department of Educational Studies at Purdue University.

His research focuses on the effects of social and instructional factors on students' cognitive processes, learning, self-regulation, and motivation, with special emphasis on the application of social cognitive theory. He teaches graduate courses in learning, motivation, and educational psychology, and undergraduate courses in foundations for learning and educational psychology. He has published over 130 articles and chapters, is author of Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective (7th edition) and (with Judith Meece and Paul Pintrich) Motivation in Education: Theories, Research, and Applications (4th edition), and has edited nine books on self-regulation and motivation. His awards include: the Barry J. Zimmerman Award for Outstanding Contributions, American Educational Research Association, Studying and Self-Regulated Learning Special Interest Group; the Senior Distinguished Research Scholar Award, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, School of Education; the Distinguished Service Award, Purdue University, School of Education; the Early Contributions Award in Educational Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 15: Educational Psychology; and the Albert J. Harris Research Award, International Reading Association. He is listed in Who's Who in America.

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