Consumer Behavior, 12th edition

Published by Pearson (March 11, 2018) © 2019

  • Leon Schiffman St. John's University
  • Joseph L. Wisenblit


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For consumer behavior courses.

Strategic applications for understanding consumer behavior

Consumer Behavior explores how the examination and application of consumer behavior is central to the planning, development and implementation of successful marketing strategies. With an emphasis on developing a variety of useful skills, this text prepares students for careers in brand management, advertising, and consumer research.

The 12th Edition has been significantly updated to address contemporary trends and issues. This includes the role of new media, technological advances, and recent ethical concerns affecting the industry.

Hallmark features of this title

Concepts brought to life

  • Ad illustrations help students visualize how the topics discussed affect real marketing decisions.
  • Cases show the real-life application of the concepts covered. They demonstrate how real companies use consumer behavior to create marketing strategies.
  • The strategic application of consumer behavior is shown through hands-on examples (some with comments from real marketing executives), internationally-recognized marketing campaigns, guidelines for marketing application, and exhibits based on recent, empirical data.

A focus on global coverage

  • Global coverage, discussions and examples help students understand the dynamics of cultural differences in both domestic and multinational marketing.

New and updated features of this title

Keep your course current and relevant

  • NEW and UPDATED: Material addresses modern consumer behavior and recent trends in the marketing industry.
  • NEW: Section explores the effects that hidden motives have on consumer behavior (Ch. 3).
  • UPDATED: The role of new media highlights how marketers can engage with consumers across social media platforms; manage successful, targeted campaigns; and track and measure results.
  • UPDATED: The impact of modern technology on marketing and consumer behavior covers the value exchange between consumers and marketers, astute positioning, and more.
  • UPDATED: Contemporary ethical concerns in the industry cover consumer privacy issues and violations, aggressive advertising towards children, and the potential for customized messaging to encourage irresponsible buying (Ch. 15).

A focus on global coverage

  • NEW: Narrative illustrates the linguistic and legal barriers involved in global marketing efforts (Ch. 13).

I. Consumers, Marketers, and Technology

  1. Technology-Driven Consumer Behavior
  2. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

II. The Consumer as an Individual

  1. Consumer Motivation and Personality
  2. Consumer Perception
  3. Consumer Learning
  4. Consumer Attitude Formation and Change

III. Communication and Consumer Behavior

  1. Persuading Consumers
  2. From Print and Broadcast Advertising to Social and Mobile Media
  3. Reference Groups and Word-of-Mouth

IV. Consumers in their Social and Cultural Settings

  1. The Family and Its Social Standing
  2. Culture’s Influence on Consumer Behavior
  3. Subcultures and Consumer Behavior
  4. Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior: An International Perspective

V. Consumer Decision-Making, Marketing Ethics, and Consumer Research

  1. Consumer Decision-Making and Diffusion of Innovations
  2. Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility
  3. Consumer Research

About our authors

Leon G. Schiffman, PhD, most recently the J. Donald Kennedy Endowed Chair Distinguished Chaired Professor of Marketing at St. Johns University, The Peter J. Tobin College of Business. He is currently a professor emeritus at the university. He was previously the Lippert Distinguished Scholar of Marketing at the Zicklin School of Business of Baruch College of the City University of New York. In addition, he was Professor and Chairperson of the Marketing Department at the Graduate School of Management at Rutgers University, and a member of the faculty at Pace University.

Professor Schiffman is a nationally recognized expert on the behavior of the older consumer since his pioneering research on the psychological and sociological aspects of perceived age and innovative behavior of this segment. He has been published in numerous major marketing journals on a wide variety of topics and is frequently referenced by other researchers. He has spoken at over 100 national and international conferences in 35 countries. He has coauthored Consumer Behavior (Pearson), for all of its 12 editions, which have been translated into several international editions and have been adopted by over 175 higher education institutions in the US.

The recipient of various awards and honors, Dr. Schiffman has also participated in more than 60 PhD dissertation committees, 25 of which he chaired. As a research practitioner, he founded a market research company where he has conducted qualitative and lifestyle research and strategic planning for such national and international firms as AT&T, Citibank, The Hertz Corporation, Lever Brothers, Mobil Oil, and Patek Phillipe. He has also served on several boards of directors. Currently he serves on the board of directors of the Mandl Medical College.

Joe Wisenblit received his PhD and Master of Philosophy from the City University of New York, and his MBA and BBA from Baruch College. He has gained national and global recognition for his research into crisis communications, voluntary simplicity, economic stagflation, marketing solar energy, targeting mature consumers, and services marketing. His research spans across managerial and pedagogical facets and has been featured in top-tier scholarly journals and presented in scores of conferences and seminars.

Dr. Wisenblit's landmark framework on integrating technology into the marketing curriculum, published in the Journal of Marketing Education, received an outstanding article award and has remained one of marketing's most widely cited pedagogical works. Presently, his research is focused on targeting children on the internet and via mobile devices, including the impact of parental styles and children's responses to mobile gaming apps developed by marketers. He is also completing an MFA in creative writing at Columbia University and writing fiction and nonfiction for children and young adults.

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