Discrete Mathematics, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (August 21, 2002) © 2003

  • Kenneth A. Ross
  • Charles R.B. Wright

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
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Revised for extra clarity, the distinguishing characteristic of Ross and Wright is a sound mathematical treatment that increases smoothly in sophistication. The text presents utility-grade discrete math tools so students can understand them, use them, and move on to more advanced mathematical topics.

  • NEW - Over 270 supplementary exercises—All with answers.
    • Provides students with questions typical of the ones they should be able to answer after completing the chapters.

  • NEW - Full chapter on discrete probability.
    • Uses binomial random variables to gently motivate the existence and usefulness of the Gaussian distribution.

  • NEW - Chapter on algebraic structures—Applies permutation groups to combinatorial problems, and discusses the Chinese Remainder Theorem with applications to fast arithmetic and polynomial interpolation.
    • Provides a nice new option for many instructors.

  • NEW - Matrix multiplication is now deferred until Chapter 11—Where it is first needed.
    • Provides a better organized and clearer text.

  • NEW - Boolean algebra isomorphism coverage moved—Now at the end of the Boolean Algebra chapter.
    • Helps students more easily understand this concept.

  • Comprehensive coverage of logic and proofs—Several sections, including one consisting of interactive exercises, give practical guidance for writing proofs. All important results are proved, not just stated.
    • Allows serious students to study the proofs or keep the book as a reference.

  • Introductory sections—Gives gentle, motivated warm-up.
    • Establishes the importance of precision, examples, and abstraction as problem-solving tools.

  • Chapter on induction begins with loop invariants—Invariants, a natural and important concept from computer science, are not presented in isolation, but are also used to construct and verify important algorithms.
  • Full chapter on recursion.
    • Gives a mathematically clean and comprehensible treatment of recursion and recursive algorithms, central concepts that computer science students must understand.

  • Big-oh ideas introduced in the chapter on induction—Applied from then on to analyze efficiency of algorithms.
    • Provides good coverage of a topic important to CS students.

  • Office Hours sections—Scattered strategically in the book.
    • Addresses common student concerns and shows students how to approach the material.

  • Even more examples—Designed to motivate and illustrate the mathematical ideas as they are developed.
    • Allows the instructor to spend time on selected topics in class and assign reading to fill out the presentation.

  • Exercise sets—Include a complete range of problems, building smoothly from easy examples to more challenging uses of the methods and extensions of the ideas.
    • Develops abstract understanding and gives practice with proofs.

  • Over 270 supplementary exercises—All with answers.
    • Provides students with questions typical of the ones they should be able to answer after completing the chapters.

  • Full chapter on discrete probability.
    • Uses binomial random variables to gently motivate the existence and usefulness of the Gaussian distribution.

  • Chapter on algebraic structures—Applies permutation groups to combinatorial problems, and discusses the Chinese Remainder Theorem with applications to fast arithmetic and polynomial interpolation.
    • Provides a nice new option for many instructors.

  • Matrix multiplication is now deferred until Chapter 11—Where it is first needed.
    • Provides a better organized and clearer text.

  • Boolean algebra isomorphism coverage moved—Now at the end of the Boolean Algebra chapter.
    • Helps students more easily understand this concept.

1. Sets, Sequences, and Functions.

Some Warm-up Questions. Factors and Multiples. Office Hours 1.2. Some Special Sets. Set Operations. Functions. Sequences. Properties of Functions. Office Hours 1.7. Supplementary Exercises.

2. Elementary Logic.

Informal Introduction. Propositional Calculus. Getting Started with Proofs. Methods of Proof. Office Hours 2.4. Logic in Proofs. Analysis of Arguments. Supplementary Exercises.

3. Relations.

Relations. Digraphs and Graphs. Matrices. Equivalence Relations and Partitions. The Division Algorithm and Integers Mod p. Supplementary Exercises.

4. Induction and Recursion.

Loop Invariants. Mathematical Induction. Office Hours 4.2. Big-Oh Notation. Recursive Definitions. Recurrence Relations. More Induction. The Euclidean Algorithm. Supplementary Exercises.

5. Counting.

Basic Counting Techniques. Elementary Probability. Inclusion-Exclusion and Binomial Methods. Counting and Partitions. Office Hours 5.4. Pigeon-Hole Principle. Supplementary Exercises.

6. Introduction to Graphs and Trees.

Graphs. Edge Traversal Problems. Trees. Rooted Trees. Vertex Traversal Problems. Minimum Spanning Trees. Supplementary Exercises.

7. Recursion, Trees and Algorithms.

General Recursion. Recursive Algorithms. Depth-First Search Algorithms. Polish Notation. Weighted Trees. Supplementary Exercises.

8. Digraphs.

Digraphs Revisited. Weighted Digraphs and Scheduling Networks. Office Hours 8.2. Digraph Algorithms. Supplementary Exercises.

9. Discrete Probability.

Independence in Probability. Random Variables. Expectation and Standard Deviation. Probability Distributions. Supplementary Exercises.

10. Boolean Algebra.

Boolean Algebras. Boolean Expressions. Logic Networks. Karnaugh Maps. Isomorphisms of Boolean Algebras. Supplementary Exercises.

11. More on Relations.

Partially Ordered Sets. Special Orderings. Multiplication of Matrices. Properties of General Relations. Closures of Relations. Supplementary Exercises.

12. Algebraic Structures.

Groups Acting on Sets. Fixed Points and Subgroups. Counting Orbits. Group Homomorphisms. Semigroups. Other Algebraic Systems. Supplementary Exercises.

13. Predicate Calculus and Infinite Sets.

Quantifiers and Predicates. Elementary Predicate Calculus. Infinite Sets. Supplementary Exercises.


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