C Primer Plus, 6th edition
Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (November 26, 2013) © 2014
- Stephen Prata
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C Primer Plus is a carefully tested, well-crafted, and complete tutorial on a subject core to programmers and developers. This computer science classic teaches principles of programming, including structured code and top-down design. The sixth edition of this book has been updated and expanded to cover the latest developments in C as well as to take a detailed look at the new C11 standard.
- Solutions to the exercises in the text are available in the IRC.
This sixth edition contains:
·        New coverage of the C11 standard
·        Updated information about the latest C compilers for Windows, OS X, and Linux
·        New material on C programming for mobile and game development
·        New material on C-based object-oriented programming languages (e.g., Objective-C)
Preface xxvii
1 Getting Ready 1
   Whence C? 1
   Why C? 2
       Design Features 2
       Efficiency 3
       Portability 3
       Power and Flexibility 3
       Programmer Oriented 3
       Shortcomings 4
   Whither C? 4
   What Computers Do 5
   High-level Computer Languages and Compilers 6
   Language Standards 7
       The First ANSI/ISO C Standard 8
       The C99 Standard 8
       The C11 Standard 9
   Using C: Seven Steps 9
       Step 1: Define the Program Objectives 10
       Step 2: Design the Program 10
       Step 3: Write the Code 11
       Step 4: Compile 11
       Step 5: Run the Program 12
       Step 6: Test and Debug the Program 12
       Step 7: Maintain and Modify the Program 13
       Commentary 13
   Programming Mechanics 13
       Object Code Files, Executable Files, and Libraries 14
       Unix System 16
       The GNU Compiler Collection and the LLVM Project 18
       Linux Systems 18
       Command-Line Compilers for the PC 19
       Integrated Development Environments (Windows) 19
       The Windows/Linux Option 21
       C on the Macintosh 21
   How This Book Is Organized 22
   Conventions Used in This Book 22
       Typeface 22
       Program Output 23
       Special Elements 24
   Summary 24
   Review Questions 25
   Programming Exercise 25
2 Introducing C 27
   A Simple Example of C 27
   The Example Explained 28
       Pass 1: Quick Synopsis 30
       Pass 2: Program Details 31
   The Structure of a Simple Program 40
   Tips on Making Your Programs Readable 41
   Taking Another Step in Using C 42
       Documentation 43
       Multiple Declarations 43
       Multiplication 43
       Printing Multiple Values 43
   While You’re at It–Multiple Functions 44
   Introducing Debugging 46
       Syntax Errors 46
       Semantic Errors 47
       Program State 49
   Keywords and Reserved Identifiers 49
   Key Concepts 50
   Summary 51
   Review Questions 51
   Programming Exercises 53
3 Data and C 55
   A Sample Program 55
       What’s New in This Program? 57
   Data Variables and Constants 59
   Data: Data-Type Keywords 59
       Integer Versus Floating-Point Types 60
       The Integer 61
       The Floating-Point Number 61
   Basic C Data Types 62
       The int Type 62
       Other Integer Types 66
       Using Characters: Type char 71
       The _Bool Type 77
       Portable Types: stdint.h and inttypes.h 77
       Types float, double, and long double 79
       Complex and Imaginary Types 85
       Beyond the Basic Types 85
       Type Sizes 87
   Using Data Types 88
   Arguments and Pitfalls 89
   One More Example: Escape Sequences 91
   What Happens When the Program Runs 91
       Flushing the Output 92
   Key Concepts 93
   Summary 93
   Review Questions 94
   Programming Exercises 97
4 Character Strings and Formatted Input/Output 99
   Introductory Program 99
   Character Strings: An Introduction 101
       Type char Arrays and the Null Character 101
       Using Strings 102
       The strlen() Function 103
   Constants and the C Preprocessor 106
       The const Modifier 109
       Manifest Constants on the Job 109
   Exploring and Exploiting printf() and scanf() 112
       The printf() Function 112
       Using printf() 113
       Conversion Specification Modifiers for printf() 115
       What Does a Conversion Specification Convert? 122
       Using scanf() 128
       The * Modifier with printf() and scanf() 133
       Usage Tips for printf() 135
   Key Concepts 136
   Summary 137
   Review Questions 138
   Programming Exercises 140
5 Operators, Expressions, and Statements 143
   Introducing Loops 144
   Fundamental Operators 146
       Assignment Operator: = 146
       Addition Operator: + 149
       Subtraction Operator: — 149
       Sign Operators: — and + 150
       Multiplication Operator: * 151
       Division Operator: / 153
       Operator Precedence 154
       Precedence and the Order of Evaluation 156
   Some Additional Operators 157
       The sizeof Operator and the size_t Type 158
       Modulus Operator: % 159
       Increment and Decrement Operators: ++ and -- 160
       Decrementing: -- 164
       Precedence 165
       Don’t Be Too Clever 166
   Expressions and Statements 167
       Expressions 167
       Statements 168
       Compound Statements (Blocks) 171
   Type Conversions 174
       The Cast Operator 176
   Function with Arguments 177
   A Sample Program 180
   Key Concepts 182
   Summary 182
   Review Questions 183
   Programming Exercises 187
6 C Control Statements: Looping 189
   Revisiting the while Loop 190
       Program Comments 191
       C-Style Reading Loop 192
   The while Statement 193
       Terminating a while Loop 194
       When a Loop Terminates 194
       while: An Entry-Condition Loop 195
       Syntax Points 195
   Which Is Bigger: Using Relational Operators and Expressions 197
       What Is Truth? 199
       What Else Is True? 200
       Troubles with Truth 201
       The New _Bool Type 203
       Precedence of Relational Operators 205
   Indefinite Loops and Counting Loops 207
   The for Loop 208
       Using for for Flexibility 210
   More Assignment Operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, %= 215
   The Comma Operator 215
       Zeno Meets the for Loop 218
   An Exit-Condition Loop: do while 220
   Which Loop? 223
   Nested Loops 224
   Program Discussion 225
       A Nested Variation 225
   Introducing Arrays 226
       Using a for Loop with an Array 228
   A Loop Example Using a Function Return Value 230
       Program Discussion 232
       Using Functions with Return Values 233
   Key Concepts 234
   Summary 235
   Review Questions 236
   Programming Exercises 241
7 C Control Statements: Branching and Jumps 245
   The if Statement 246
   Adding else to the if Statement 248
       Another Example: Introducing getchar() and putchar() 250
       The ctype.h Family of Character Functions 252
       Multiple Choice else if 254
       Pairing else with if 257
       More Nested ifs 259
   Let’s Get Logical 263
       Alternate Spellings: The iso646.h Header File 265
       Precedence 265
       Order of Evaluation 266
       Ranges 267
   A Word-Count Program 268
   The Conditional Operator: ?: 271
   Loop Aids: continue and break 274
       The continue Statement 274
       The break Statement 277
   Multiple Choice: switch and break 280
       Using the switch Statement 281
       Reading Only the First Character of a Line 283
       Multiple Labels 284
       switch and if else 286
   The goto Statement 287
       Avoiding goto 287
   Key Concepts 291
   Summary 291
   Review Questions 292
   Programming Exercises 296
8 Character Input/Output and Input Validation 299
   Single-Character I/O: getchar() and putchar() 300
   Buffers 301
   Terminating Keyboard Input 302
       Files, Streams, and Keyboard Input 303
       The End of File 304
   Redirection and Files 307
       Unix, Linux, and Windows Command Prompt Redirection 307
   Creating a Friendlier User Interface 312
       Working with Buffered Input 312
       Mixing Numeric and Character Input 314
   Input Validation 317
       Analyzing the Program 322
       The Input Stream and Numbers 323
   Menu Browsing 324
       Tasks 324
       Toward a Smoother Execution 325
       Mixing Character and Numeric Input 327
   Key Concepts 330
   Summary 331
   Review Questions 331
   Programming Exercises 332
9 Functions 335
   Reviewing Functions 335
       Creating and Using a Simple Function 337
       Analyzing the Program 338
       Function Arguments 340
       Defining a Function with an Argument: Formal Parameters 342
       Prototyping a Function with Arguments 343
       Calling a Function with an Argument: Actual Arguments 343
       The Black-Box Viewpoint 345
       Returning a Value from a Function with return 345
       Function Types 348
   ANSI C Function Prototyping 349
       The Problem 350
       The ANSI C Solution 351
       No Arguments and Unspecified Arguments 352
       Hooray for Prototypes 353
   Recursion 353
       Recursion Revealed 354
       Recursion Fundamentals 355
       Tail Recursion 356
       Recursion and Reversal 358
       Recursion Pros and Cons 360
   Compiling Programs with Two or More Source Code Files 361
       Unix 362
       Linux 362
       DOS Command-Line Compilers 362
       Windows and Apple IDE Compilers 362
       Using Header Files 363
   Finding Addresses: The & Operator 367
   Altering Variables in the Calling Function 369
   Pointers: A First Look 371
       The Indirection Operator: * 371
       Declaring Pointers 372
       Using Pointers to Communicate Between Functions 373
   Key Concepts 378
   Summary 378
   Review Questions 379
   Programming Exercises 380
10 Arrays and Pointers 383
   Arrays 383
       Initialization 384
       Designated Initializers (C99) 388
       Assigning Array Values 390
       Array Bounds 390
       Specifying an Array Size 392
   Multidimensional Arrays 393
       Initializing a Two-Dimensional Array 397
       More Dimensions 398
   Pointers and Arrays 398
   Functions, Arrays, and Pointers 401
       Using Pointer Parameters 404
       Comment: Pointers and Arrays 407
   Pointer Operations 407
   Protecting Array Contents 412
       Using const with Formal Parameters 413
       More About const 415
   Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays 417
       Pointers to Multidimensional Arrays 420
       Pointer Compatibility 421
       Functions and Multidimensional Arrays 423
   Variable-Length Arrays (VLAs) 427
   Compound Literals 431
   Key Concepts 434
   Summary 435
   Review Questions 436
   Programming Exercises 439
11 Character Strings and String Functions 441
   Representing Strings and String I/O 441
       Defining Strings Within a Program 442
       Pointers and Strings 451
   String Input 453
       Creating Space 453
       The Unfortunate gets() Function 453
       The Alternatives to gets() 455
       The scanf() Function 462
   String Output 464
       The puts() Function 464
       The fputs() Function 465
       The printf() Function 466
   The Do-It-Yourself Option 466
   String Functions 469
       The strlen() Function 469
       The strcat() Function 471
       The strncat() Function 473
       The strcmp() Function 475
       The strcpy() and strncpy() Functions 482
       The sprintf() Function 487
       Other String Functions 489
   A String Example: Sorting Strings 491
       Sorting Pointers Instead of Strings 493
       The Selection Sort Algorithm 494
   The ctype.h Character Functions and Strings 495
   Command-Line Arguments 497
       Command-Line Arguments in Integrated Environments 500
       Command-Line Arguments with the Macintosh 500
   String-to-Number Conversions 500
   Key Concepts 504
   Summary 504
   Review Questions 505
   Programming Exercises 508
12 Storage Classes, Linkage, and Memory Management 511
   Storage Classes 511
       Scope 513
       Linkage 515
       Storage Duration 516
       Automatic Variables 518
       Register Variables 522
       Static Variables with Block Scope 522
       Static Variables with External Linkage 524
       Static Variables with Internal Linkage 529
       Multiple Files 530
       Storage-Class Specifier Roundup 530
       Storage Classes and Functions 533
       Which Storage Class? 534
   A Random-Number Function and a Static Variable 534
   Roll ’Em 538
   Allocated Memory: malloc() and free() 543
       The Importance of free() 547
       The calloc() Function 548
       Dynamic Memory Allocation and Variable-Length Arrays 548
       Storage Classes and Dynamic Memory Allocation 549
   ANSI C Type Qualifiers 551
       The const Type Qualifier 552
       The volatile Type Qualifier 554
       The restrict Type Qualifier 555
       The _Atomic Type Qualifier (C11) 556
       New Places for Old Keywords 557
   Key Concepts 558
   Summary 558
   Review Questions 559
   Programming Exercises 561
13 File Input/Output 565
   Communicating with Files 565
       What Is a File? 566
       The Text Mode and the Binary Mode 566
       Levels of I/O 568
       Standard Files 568
   Standard I/O 568
       Checking for Command-Line Arguments 569
       The fopen() Function 570
       The getc() and putc() Functions 572
       End-of-File 572
       The fclose() Function 574
       Pointers to the Standard Files 574
   A Simple-Minded File-Condensing Program 574
   File I/O: fprintf(), fscanf(), fgets(), and fputs() 576
       The fprintf() and fscanf() Functions 576
       The fgets() and fputs() Functions 578
   Adventures in Random Access: fseek() and ftell() 579
       How fseek() and ftell() Work 580
       Binary Versus Text Mode 582
       Portability 582
       The fgetpos() and fsetpos() Functions 583
   Behind the Scenes with Standard I/O 583
   Other Standard I/O Functions 584
       The int ungetc(int c, FILE *fp) Function 585
       The int fflush() Function 585
       The int setvbuf() Function 585
       Binary I/O: fread() and fwrite() 586
       The size_t fwrite() Function 588
       The size_t fread() Function 588
       The int feof(FILE *fp) and int ferror(FILE *fp) Functions 589
       An fread() and fwrite() Example 589
       Random Access with Binary I/O 593
   Key Concepts 594
   Summary 595
   Review Questions 596
   Programming Exercises 598
14 Structures and Other Data Forms 601
   Sample Problem: Creating an Inventory of Books 601
   Setting Up the Structure Declaration 604
   Defining a Structure Variable 604
       Initializing a Structure 606
       Gaining Access to Structure Members 607
       Initializers for Structures 607
   Arrays of Structures 608
       Declaring an Array of Structures 611
       Identifying Members of an Array of Structures 612
   Program Discussion 612
   Nested Structures 613
   Pointers to Structures 615
       Declaring and Initializing a Structure Pointer 617
       Member Access by Pointer 617
   Telling Functions About Structures 618
       Passing Structure Members 618
       Using the Structure Address 619
       Passing a Structure as an Argument 621
       More on Structure Features 622
       Structures or Pointer to Structures? 626
       Character Arrays or Character Pointers in a Structure 627
       Structure, Pointers, and malloc() 628
       Compound Literals and Structures (C99) 631
       Flexible Array Members (C99) 633
       Anonymous Structures (C11) 636
       Functions Using an Array of Structures 637
   Saving the Structure Contents in a File 639
       A Structure-Saving Example 640
       Program Points 643
   Structures: What Next? 644
   Unions: A Quick Look 645
       Using Unions 646
       Anonymous Unions (C11) 647
   Enumerated Types 649
       enum Constants 649
       Default Values 650
       Assigned Values 650
       enum Usage 650
       Shared Namespaces 652
   typedef: A Quick Look 653
   Fancy Declarations 655
   Functions and Pointers 657
   Key Concepts 665
   Summary 665
   Review Questions 666
   Programming Exercises 669
15 Bit Fiddling 673
   Binary Numbers, Bits, and Bytes 674
       Binary Integers 674
       Signed Integers 675
       Binary Floating Point 676
   Other Number Bases 676
       Octal 677
       Hexadecimal 677
   C’s Bitwise Operators 678
       Bitwise Logical Operators 678
       Usage: Masks 680
       Usage: Turning Bits On (Setting Bits) 681
       Usage: Turning Bits Off (Clearing Bits) 682
       Usage: Toggling Bits 683
       Usage: Checking the Value of a Bit 683
       Bitwise Shift Operators 684
       Programming Example 685
       Another Example 688
   Bit Fields 690
       Bit-Field Example 692
       Bit Fields and Bitwise Operators 696
   Alignment Features (C11) 703
   Key Concepts 705
   Summary 706
   Review Questions 706
   Programming Exercises 708
16 The C Preprocessor and the C Library 711
   First Steps in Translating a Program 712
   Manifest Constants: #define 713
       Tokens 717
       Redefining Constants 717
   Using Arguments with #define 718
       Creating Strings from Macro Arguments: The # Operator 721
       Preprocessor Glue: The ## Operator 722
       Variadic Macros: ... and __VA_ARGS__ 723
   Macro or Function? 725
   File Inclusion: #include 726
       Header Files: An Example 727
       Uses for Header Files 729
   Other Directives 730
       The #undef Directive 731
       Being Defined–The C Preprocessor Perspective 731
       Conditional Compilation 731
       Predefined Macros 737
       #line and #error 738
       #pragma 739
       Generic Selection (C11) 740
   Inline Functions (C99) 741
   _Noreturn Functions (C11) 744
   The C Library 744
       Gaining Access to the C Library 745
       Using the Library Descriptions 746
   The Math Library 747
       A Little Trigonometry 748
       Type Variants 750
       The tgmath.h Library (C99) 752
   The General Utilities Library 753
       The exit() and atexit() Functions 753
       The qsort() Function 755
   The Assert Library 760
       Using assert 760
       _Static_assert (C11) 762
   memcpy() and memmove() from the string.h Library 763
   Variable Arguments: stdarg.h 765
   Key Concepts 768
   Summary 768
   Review Questions 768
   Programming Exercises 770
17 Advanced Data Representation 773
   Exploring Data Representation 774
   Beyond the Array to the Linked List 777
       Using a Linked List 781
       Afterthoughts 786
   Abstract Data Types (ADTs) 786
       Getting Abstract 788
       Building an Interface 789
       Using the Interface 793
       Implementing the Interface 796
   Getting Queued with an ADT 804
       Defining the Queue Abstract Data Type 804
       Defining an Interface 805
       Implementing the Interface Data Representation 806
   Testing the Queue 815
   Simulating with a Queue 818
   The Linked List Versus the Array 824
   Binary Search Trees 828
       A Binary Tree ADT 829
       The Binary Search Tree Interface 830
       The Binary Tree Implementation 833
       Trying the Tree 849
       Tree Thoughts 854
   Other Directions 856
   Key Concepts 856
   Summary 857
   Review Questions 857
   Programming Exercises 858
A Answers to the Review Questions 861
B Reference Section 905
9780321928429, TOC, 11/5/2013
Stephen Prata , now retired, taught astronomy, physics, and programming at the College of Marin in Kentfield, California. He received his B.S. from the California Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. His association with computers began with the computer modeling of star clusters. Stephen as authored or coauthored over a dozen books, including C++ Primer Plus and Unix Primer Plus.
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