Carpentry Forms, Level 3, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (August 13, 2014) © 2015


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(Module ID 27303-14) Describes the properties, characteristics, and uses of cement, aggregates, and other materials used in different types of concrete. Covers procedures for estimating concrete volume and testing freshly mixed concrete, as well as methods and materials for curing concrete.
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Curriculum Notes

• 160 Hours

• To Be Revised: Summer 2014, Fifth Edition

• Trainee Guide and individual trainee modules are full color.

• Instructor’s Resource Access Card includes access code

• to download detailed lesson plans, module exams,

• PowerPoint® slides, performance profile sheets and

• TestGen software.

• A Spanish translation of the fourth edition is available.

• Please see NCCER’s online catalog for more information.

Properties of Concrete (10 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378674-3

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378685-9

(Module ID 27303-14) Describes the properties, characteristics, and uses of cement, aggregates, and other

materials used in different types of concrete. Covers procedures for estimating concrete volume and testing freshly mixed concrete, as well as methods and materials for curing concrete.


Rigging Equipment (10 Hours)

(Module ID 38101-11; from Basic Rigging)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378675-0

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378686-6


Rigging Practices (15 Hours)

(Module ID 38102-11; from Basic Rigging)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378676-7

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378688-0


Trenching and Excavating (15 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378678-1

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378689-7

(Module ID 27306-14) Provides an introduction to working in and around excavations, particularly in preparing building foundations. Describes types and bearing capacities of soils; procedures used in shoring, shielding, and sloping trenches and excavations; trenching safety requirements, including recognition of unsafe conditions; and mitigation of groundwater and rock when excavating foundations.


Reinforcing Concrete (15 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378679-8

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378690-3

(Module ID 27304-14) Explains the selection and uses of different types of reinforcing materials. Describes requirements for bending, cutting, splicing, and tying reinforcing steel and the placement of steel in footings and foundations, walls, columns, and beams and girders.


Foundations and Slab-on-Grade (20 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378680-4

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378691-0

(Module ID 27307-14) Covers basic site layout safety, tools, and methods; layout and construction of deep and shallow foundations; types of foundation forms; layout and formation of slabs-on-grade; and forms used for curbing and paving.


Vertical Formwork (22.5 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378681-1

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378692-7

(Module ID 27308-14) Covers the applications and construction methods for types of forming and form hardware

systems for walls, columns, and stairs, as well as slip and climbing forms. Provides an overview of the assembly, erection, and stripping of gang forms.


Horizontal Formwork (15 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378682-8

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378693-4

(Module ID 27309-14) Describes elevated decks and formwork systems and methods used in their construction. Covers joist, pan, beam and slab, flat slab, composite slab, and specialty form systems and provides instructions for the use of flying decks, as well as shoring and reshoring systems.


Handling and Placing Concrete (20 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378683-5

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378694-1

(Module ID 27305-14) Covers tools, equipment, and procedures for safely handling, placing, and finishing concrete.

Describes joints made in concrete structures and the use of joint sealants.


Tilt-up Wall Panels (17.5 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378684-2

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378695-8

(Module ID 27310-14) Describes how tilt-up concrete construction is used and how tilt-up panels are formed, erected,

and braced. Covers the installation of rebar and types of embedments used to lift and brace the panels. Also covers methods used to create architectural and decorative treatments.

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