Process Quality, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (November 6, 2020) © 2021


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For process quality courses within a process technology program.

The national standard for process quality

Process Quality Equipment is part of the NAPTA Series for Process Technology, which can be used independently and does not require NAPTA participation. Developed with Industry and Education, the series supports a consistent curriculum and exit competencies for Process Technology graduates.

The 2nd Edition provides an up-to-date common national standard for the Process Quality course of a Process Technology degree program. It is fully revised to align with the new NAPTA curriculum.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Activities in each chapter give students or small groups practice applying chapter concepts.
  • Checking Your Knowledge questions complement chapter objectives.
  • Did You Know? boxes supplement content from the text to improve understanding and retention.
  • Key term definitions appear alongside relevant content within the text, as well as at the beginning of each chapter.

New and updated features of this title

Learning aids reflecting the latest NAPTA curriculum

  • REVISED: Extensive reorganization improves the flow of content. It now flows from basic quality concepts (Part 1) to major quality strategies (Part 2) to quality tools (Part 3) to application, to control charts and the everyday needs of the process industries (Part 4).
  • NEW: New learning outcomes align with NAPTA core objectives. Students are directed to the precise page of the text where a learning objective is addressed.
  • NEW: A new full-color art program includes more than 190 fully revised artwork and photo images, including new visuals representing process quality.

Engaging pedagogical aids

  • NEW: A new chapter on data collection and representative sampling was added.
  • UPDATED: All content has been updated, including content on ISO standards.
  • NEW: New quality tools have been added and illustrated.

1. Introduction to Process Quality
2. Total Quality Management and Economics
3. Customer Service
4. Quality Management Systems — International Standards (ISO)
5. Quality Management – Quality Reliability Planning
6. Team Skills

7. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Corrective Action/Preventive Action (CPA)
8. Six Sigma
9. Lean

10. Designed Experiments
11. Other Basic Quality Tools
12. Data Collection and Representative Sampling

13. Variance and Operating Consistency
14. Variables Control Charts and Interpretation
15. Attributes Control Charts and Interpretation
16. Process Capability
17. Putting the Puzzle Together

About our author

The North American Process Technology Alliance (NAPTA) is an organization of process technology (PTEC) education providers, industry experts and community stakeholders working cooperatively toward a common goal. The NAPTA is the standard-bearer of the PTEC curriculum. The NAPTA audits PTEC degree programs in North America and endorses those that meet its criteria. Eligible colleges have received the NAPTA endorsement.

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